Title: Believing (Alternate title: Bringing Uekusa Home)
Author: Luna (
dreamweavernyx )
Pairing: TaigaYuta [Taiga-centric]
Genre: Friendship
Summary: Uekusa's left, but Kyomoto will do whatever it takes to get him back.
Notes: Happy birthday to Alicia (
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Comments 3
I love the way Kurita and Ootsuka brain washed the rest of SPG that Yuta's the next Power Ranger. XDD and how Nakamura shouted "Escaped Power Ranger!!!" I was seriously cracking up. XDD
"Sanada says someone’s being murdered. Nozawa kicks his shins hard and then thwacks him on the head.
Juri facepalms and walks away."
I'm seriously dying here. XDDD
Is it okay if I put this fic in my cellphone? I really can't read fics long on our pc that's why I put on my phone. hope you don't mind ne~ I really like reading fics before sleeping. :DDD
Sure, go ahead, I don't mind~
Thank you so much for reading! ♥
thanks! I'll read this again before sleeping. :))
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