Title: I Can't Exist Without Killing Myself (Part Ten)
scarysnapey Word Count: 817 << How pathetic is that?
Rating: R
Warnings: Language
A/N: Someday, when this is finished, I will compile it into a form without chapters, and none of you will tell anyone that I was such a failure at posting normal sized chapters. :( Haha.
You know you're really excited
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Comments 5
The banter is casually dark. Oh Potter.... and I'm on tenterhooks waiting to see what Bellabitch gets up to.
And yay for another part of this, I was just wondering where a new installment was.
Severus and James? OMG. You shock me.
I love Severus's thoughts. They're so lovely and dark.
I am far to antsy to try my best > far too
I thought you might enjoy the Bellatrix appearance. Leave it to Potter to do something that stupid. *sigh*
Well, Severus can handle himself. I hope... :D
And yup, I love Bellatrix appearances!
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