Title: A Bouquet of Pansies Author: scarysnapey Word Count: 361 Rating: G Prompt: quill_it Table 50.4: Prompt 026. Gift A/N: This had a whole Severus monologue in it, but I ended up cutting it out.
It seemed quite real to me, Pansy's frustration, anger and sadness. I think you're fine in this fic, but you may have chosen an Gryffindor, all too Gryffindor pairing.
I am interested to see how things progress. I like McGonagall for her sharpness and Pansy for her determination. I'm sure you'll do them proud.
I kind of cheated by having McGonagall asleep, but I'm find this pairing a bit overwhelming. Add to that my newfound inability to write unredeemed Draco, and I'm just struggling to get anything done proper.
A Bouquet of PansiesdexstarrAugust 7 2010, 20:15:23 UTC
Oh my. I think you're going to make me *like* Pansy. This was short, sweet, and well done. I felt bad for Pansy, for her nervousness, and the hint of some relationship with Minerva. And the accidental (or maybe it wasn't bahahah!) combustion of the other flowers was a great touch, a good clue to her feelings.
Comments 6
I am interested to see how things progress. I like McGonagall for her sharpness and Pansy for her determination. I'm sure you'll do them proud.
*scurries off to write in character McGonagall*
*ducks a frying pan at such confidence*
I watched HBP again tonight, and I'm liking the girl who plays Pansy. I'm doomed.
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