Title: The Malfoy Wives
scarysnapeyWord Count: 770
Rating: R
Pairing: Narcissa/Pansy
A/N: This is so poorly thought through that it's not even funny. So I apologize in advance. It's all drivel. But, I blame
dexstarr for making me think about the pairing, and then I had a whole "I know! I'll rip off The Stepford Wives, which I never even saw, or read." Is it
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Comments 4
The Stepford Wives is a creepy movie, and you got the essence of it without having seen it!
I liked the fic :D This line is great, “Malfoy wives are light and elegant, lovely and wise. You, my dear, you are missing something.” I think you captured Narcissa really well. And not including sex worked with the Stepford Wives idea - since they were kind of robots, so I just imagined Narcissa doing something like Imperious.
Pansy waking up blonde and transformed and with her dress changed - mmm.
I checked out quill_it, think I want to try too! :D
Eep. You definitely should do a quill_it thingy! Which pairing are you thinking about?
I'm thinking about Bella/Narcissa (doh). Or maybe Narcissa/Hermione, but I don't think I'm ready for even 25 of that pairing yet.
Ha! Just said that to creep you out.
I've never seen the stepford wives, but you have Narcissa down quite well.
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