Night terror, or nocturnal panic attack?!

Mar 26, 2007 21:24

I have a funny, fun and festive update in the works about my March 22 day trip (via bus) to Jackson Rancheria, and also about my March 24 trip to the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show. Actually, these warrant two SEPARATE updates! ;D However, I still haven't had time to complete even one (*sigh*) mainly because both have pix to Photoshop as well ( Read more... )

twinkie, squirrels, sleep, health

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Comments 6

flyingwolf March 27 2007, 04:41:07 UTC
ok, totally unrelated, but I wanted to share this pics with you:


scaryshari March 27 2007, 05:00:29 UTC
SQUEE!! ;D This would be a great image to meditate on if I have another night terror/panic attack! A "twinkying" squirrel! *giggle* That's what I call it when they stand up and pose like that! Actually, I think all of the squirrel pix in that set were "squeeful", but I especially loved the twinkying ones! :) Thanks again for thinking of me! And coincidentally enough, which long-lost neighbourhood squirrel should I see yesterday but Twinkie herself!

Sorry I've been such an absent commenter, BTW. :( I've been so preoccupied with work, health, family and friend related stuff that I've been going thru another of those phases where I fall out of touch with a lot of people's blogs. *blush* However, I already feel a "spree" coming on, in which I get caught up! :)


flyingwolf March 27 2007, 15:13:18 UTC
ok, I see it wasn't totally unrelated after all. I came upon that pic and HAD to show you & found your latest post skimmed the first paragraph and added the comment & link. I didn't even see last night that you were talking about your squirrels in the post!! (I was very very tired!)

I'm sorry the homeowners association said you're not supposed to feed the squirrels. I can here one out at the feeder now here. I hope mine never does. At least the rats went away. (much as I loved them I knew that their presence could take away all my critters)


scaryshari March 27 2007, 15:25:57 UTC
Actually, don't be too hard on yourself for missing the paragraphs I wrote about Twinkie the squirrel -- they were NOT there when you first left a comment! *grin* I added them later, because I realized I forgot to mention Twinkie, and also because I didn't want this journal entry to have only bad news, so I added good rodent news! :)

We used to have problems with rats here in the complex too. It was mainly due to people leaving food dishes for their dogs and cats out in the patios overnight, and the rats were feasting on the food! :[ Also, some people's bird feeders were getting raided by rats at night -- including ours! The HOA didn't order all residents to get rid of bird feeders, but we decided to do it on our own.

I'm sure there are still rats around here, though. They're never truly gone! *chuckle* As for me, soon I will be getting PET RATS again, and I'm sooo excited about that!


bug_girlx March 27 2007, 14:37:15 UTC
Are you taking any medications? Seroquel is a drug famous for giving people night terrors and bad dreams. The subject was covered on a rerun of House, that I saw, which is medical show. You should talk to your Doctor to be sure it is not a sign of a more serious problem.

I just think the Squirrels are so cute. Thanks for updating on them.


scaryshari March 27 2007, 15:20:30 UTC
Hi there! :) Thanks for the info. And I'm glad you enjoyed the squirrel update. I enjoyed giving it -- especially since it's been soooo long since I saw Twinkie ( ... )


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