Summer Solstice sundogs & squirrels! And a meme instead of bingo!

Jun 20, 2008 23:19

Today = the Summer Solstice, and wouldn't you know that the LONGEST day of the year has also been one of the HOTTEST so far? *chuckle* I slept late, since I don't work Fridays, so by the time I ate breakfast and went out to water the plants, it was SO HOT that I took 3 breaks! I'm so heat intolerant that each time, I had to lie on the couch, sip ( Read more... )

seasons, squirrels, photos, clouds, meme, weather, bingo

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scaryshari June 22 2008, 16:53:18 UTC
heheh Squirrels actually do that quite often, if they get hot enough. I have some other pix of "flat/hot squirrels" that I should post again. :) Anyhoo, sometimes they streeeeeeeetch themselves out like this one, on a tree branch. But I've even seen them do it on the grass -- just like we might do!

P.S. The squirrel in this icon is Peanut, a sweet girl squirrel I made friends with a year or two ago here in my townhouse complex. :D


daydee June 22 2008, 00:23:03 UTC
I totally meant to tell you awhile ago, but forgot, so I'll throw it on here... Desperado is one of my FAVORITE songs to play on the piano :)


scaryshari June 22 2008, 16:55:57 UTC
Right on! :) I'd LOVE to hear someone playing Desperado on a solo piano. I think it would sound beautiful! What genres of music do you like to play?


daydee June 22 2008, 23:51:56 UTC
I have a vast collection of Broadway music, from the early days, up through Richard and Rodgers, Rodgers and Hammerstein, to Kander and Ebb, to new stuff like Wicked. I also have a fairly large collection of pop/rock stuff, ranging from "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" to "Unchained Melody". I now tend to buy stuff with either really rich piano melodies (Like Desperado) or classics like Piano Man. I have to really limit myself on buying stuff now that I've found websites that I can print the sheet music from for about $4 a piece... definitely dangerous.

My all time favorite though is the Feather Suite from Forrest Gump. Me playing it


beckerbuns June 22 2008, 05:10:33 UTC
When the kids and I were out driving on Thursday while geocaching, we saw a rainbow around the sun! I should look that up and see what it's called. Alas, I did not get a photo because I was driving.


scaryshari June 22 2008, 17:07:06 UTC
Cool!! :) I'm not sure if a rainbow around the sun would be a type of sundog or not. Sometimes they form in halos around the sun, so I guess you could call what you saw a sundog or just a halo, which at least is a simpler description! LOL You guys are on your way home from Oregon as I type this, so I'm thinking good thoughts for a SAFE trip! *hugs*


viva_lla_gloria June 22 2008, 06:20:03 UTC
Goodness, I don't tolerate the heat well either so I give you a lot of credit for getting some work done in that heat! I hope that heat wave passes you by soon. I think of you whenever I hear about the extreme heat in California. *hugs*

Those are some great pictures! I have never heard of fire rainbows but that's beautiful.


scaryshari June 23 2008, 05:18:23 UTC
Thanks. :) I must admit I don't really know what the weather's like in Pennsylvania these days (*blush*) but I hope it's not as hot as a California heat wave! Actually what you've heard about Cali in recent days is NOT the norm for summer, thankfully! :) We have occasional heat waves, but it's never consistantly oven-like, the way it is in Arizona, where I have several cousins. I don't know how some folks can stand living there year-round. :O

As for fire rainbows, I'd never heard of them either until just the other day, when I started doing a bit o' research on sundogs, and discovered fire rainbows in the process! If you haven't already, be sure to click the Wikipedia link for fire rainbows -- there are some GORGEOUS photos there! :D


viva_lla_gloria June 25 2008, 03:54:33 UTC
We did have a heat wave where it was in the 90s every day a couple of weeks ago, which was miserable, but it's been mostly in the upper 70s or 80s these days. That's still hot to me, but thankfully it's mostly bearable. I'm glad to hear that the heat you've been having isn't normal for you.


rodluvan June 22 2008, 06:29:24 UTC
Fun to see a picture of you squirrels again.
I have som squirrels in this page: :-)


scaryshari June 23 2008, 22:21:10 UTC
Hi Wilhelmina! :) Thank you for sharing the link to those photos. I was just thinking of you recently. I was thinking of you and feeling bad because I have fallen behind again with reading my friends' journals. *blush* I need to catch up, and I particularly miss reading YOUR journal, because you always share such beautiful photos. :) I also enjoy reading what you have to say. I'm going to see what's new in your journal shortly.

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you how much I loved your photos of the mother ducks with the cute ducklings behind them! I always feel so happy when I see stuff like that, and when I hear them quacking it makes me laugh! :D Did any of the ducks quack when you were photographing them? I also thought it was funny to see the cats wearing leashes. I don't know anyone who takes their cats for walks with a leash; it seems like a cat might get angry if someone tried to put a leash on them. *grin*


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