Free food, health news, Olympic flap, icons, rats, clothes, more!

Apr 10, 2008 23:09

The list of keyword tags might look intimidating, but actually all the things I'm about to talk about are brief -- just a big collection of little bite-size chunks! :D And obviously many of the tags apply to the same topic, so it's not like there are 18 DIFFERENT topics! Damn, that'd be too much even for me!! :O

Everything but the kitchen sink! LOL! Something for everyone! )

rats, daily life, music, photos, news, family, synchronicity, icons, olympics, health, bingo, meds, work, shopping, internet, friends, food, mom

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Comments 10

amethyst_hunter April 11 2008, 07:07:41 UTC
The ratties look like they're plotting mischief...! XD ( ... )


beckerbuns April 11 2008, 07:21:31 UTC
I shopped at Kohl's online the other day, because their kids and babies clearance stuff really rocks. Plus it was $5 shipping for the entire order. I love them. I've gotten a ton of cute baby stuff for Misty and some t-shirts and PJs for the boys in the past.

Please count me as a "maybe" for bingo. It all depends on how things are going next week. I will let you know ASAP.


scaryshari April 12 2008, 05:40:31 UTC
I'm on Kohl's email list and get their crazy website sale notices all the time, but since my mom is on their Snail Mail list and gets a lot of stuff that way, I usually just shop at the store, especially since my mom often gets these extra promo discounty things. *giggle* That's cool you've gotten so much online stuff for Misty and the boys! I love that store.

I will put you as "maybe" for bingo -- but I'm thinking good thoughts and expecting to see you, missy! ;D Oh wait, I sound like Jenny the way she gives those "missy reprimands"! LOL Anyhoo, I know you have a lot going on, so hopefully you can make bingo, but if not, I understand. *hugs* There's always another month! And in the interim, there's always Starbuckeroos! heh


amethyst_hunter April 11 2008, 08:02:00 UTC
BTW...remember our comparison of target-shooting practice not too long ago? I couldn't resist whipping up a little something inspired by it. XD


scaryshari April 12 2008, 05:36:18 UTC
LOL!! Thank you! Your drabbles/fanfics rock! :) When I read the part about how "Sockeye Shari" got that nickname, I actually DID laugh out loud! I don't usually truly LOL when I write that abbreviation, although I might feel like laughing. But when I read your fic, I truly LOLed, so thank you again! ;D

I think I asked you this before, but I'm absent-minded so for good measure, I shall ask again. *blush* Would you mind if I copied all three of your POTC ficlets and posted each of them into an entry here in my blog? I'd like to have them all in one place, plus I'd like to share them with others, since I think your writing deserves to be read by more pairs of eyes. %-) Plus a lot of my friends find my Jack Sparrow crush amusing, so I know they'd get a kick out of reading your works. heh


amethyst_hunter April 12 2008, 08:38:13 UTC
Hee! Glad you enjoyed it! :D I'm pretty sure I'd promised you a drabblefic some time ago, so there you have it. XD

Absent-minded?? Hey, you're talking to a fellow ADDer - I KNOW absent-minded! XD Sure, feel free to gank and display for thine personal amusement all you like! :)


shortbutfast April 11 2008, 09:54:38 UTC
synchronicity. it's been happening so much in my life that i've turned into a believer. i also think the 6 degrees theory is somehow valid. there are some crazy stories that connect people, countries and continents ( ... )


scaryshari April 12 2008, 05:11:57 UTC
That's so cool that synchronicity happens a lot in your life!! :D Is that just recently, or has it always been like that? It's definitely made me a believer too. Since you're still kind of new to my journal, I will tell you this -- look at the "cloud of tags" along the left sidebar of my journal, find synchronicity and click on it. You will then get ALL the journal entries where I mentioned instances of that awesome phenomenon! :) Some are kind of mundane, but some are FREAKY! And all are positive. I think you'll definitely appreciate it, based on what you just commented. *highfive*

As for the 6 degrees of separation thing, it is so true! :) I can think of many examples of people I know, who are connected to other people, who are connected to famous people, etc. For the most recent example, check out this entry where I discovered that my "substitute chiropractor" is just ONE person away from Colbie Caillat -- one of my fave new musical artists ( ... )


shortbutfast April 14 2008, 06:34:29 UTC
yes, the flame itself was part of it for a loooooong time, apparently, but the travelling torch through several countries is what they started.

'Ancient Olympics: For the ancient Greeks, fire had divine connotations - it was thought to have been stolen from the gods by Prometheus. Therefore, fire was also present at many of the sanctuaries in Olympia, Greece. A fire permanently burned on the altar of Hestia in Olympia, Greece. During the Olympic Games, which honored Zeus, additional fires were lit at his temple and that of his wife, Hera. The modern Olympic flame is ignited at the site where the temple of Hera used to stand.

The Olympic Flame from the ancient games was reintroduced during the 1928 Olympic Games. An employee of the Electric Utility of Amsterdam, lit the first Olympic flame in the Marathon Tower of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam.

The modern convention of >>>>>>moving the Olympic Flame via a relay system from Olympia to the Olympic venue began with the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany.'

i thought it was


(The comment has been removed)

scaryshari April 12 2008, 05:32:24 UTC
I guess Kohl's is a fairly nation-wide chain. You're in New York and you go there, and amethyst_hunter who commented before you, is in Illinios and goes there. Actually, now that I think about it, I seem to recall that California was one of the LATER states to get Kohl's, because a few years back I remember hearing about them but not having one. Right on for your dress shirt bargain! :D

And speaking of right-ons, I hope you get good news on your tri numbers next week! Taking a statin, losing weight and eating healthier, there really is no way they CAN'T go down for you! :) Fortunately my triglycerides are the one part of my "lipid panel" that is truly excellent. All the other numbers are either fair-to-middlin' or disappointing. But I'm gonna start doing a lot of things to avoid having to go on a statin! Well, except weight loss. LOL!! That's not one of my options!


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