A "gameful" weekend!

Mar 03, 2008 23:05

At first I thought that word sounded like "gainful", but upon looking at it, it also brought to mind "shameful". Well, my weekend was definitely more like the former word, not the latter! *chuckle*

Friday night wasn't much of anything, but Saturday night was a semi-potluck game night organized by some friends of mine and also some of my mom's. It was an all-ages thing. :) Folks brought salads (we brought Caesar), snacks and/or desserts to share, and everyone chipped in for several Costco pizzas. That place makes a tasty all-veggie pizza! And the desserts were great, including homemade Hello Dolly bars and blueberry cheesecake squares! The table my mom and I were at started to play one of the games I brought, an awesome, hard-to-find one called Wise & Otherwise, but I guess they just weren't "in the mood," because we ended up playing my Apples to Apples Party Box edition instead. That's fine; I LOVE that game! Many other folks were engrossed in two versions of Mexican Train, which I'd NEVER heard of before, but which is apparently quite popular! Anyone here play it??

Sunday was MORE gameful fun! :D It was the first Sunday of the month, which means it was the monthly Game Day in my townhouse complex's clubhouse. This event is Lisa's and my "baby" -- Lisa being my friend and neighbor, a fellow game lover, and a fellow Bingo Belle. I think we had the BIGGEST turnout since we started Game Day nearly a year ago! I counted 16-17 peeps on the sign-in sheet, including kids, teens and adults. Lisa, if you're reading this, *HIGHFIVE*! We all played Fluxx (one of my fave card games), Apples to Apples Junior (so kids & adults could play together) and The Great Dalmuti, which I've been wanting to learn and finally did! *cheer* I spent most of the rounds as the Greater Peon, but it was funny and fun anyway!

P.S. I'm still collecting festive flowers to fill my bowl for the March 8 "Greetinger" (I'm geekily curious to see what it looks like full of flowers), so please take a peek at the entry directly below this one (from March 1) and click the picture. Thanks! *blush* :)

neighbors, daily life, family, games, friends, food

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