Luke Cage Episode 8

Oct 07, 2016 23:23


I have to give Marvel all the credit in the world for self control.  I would NEVER, not for one second in my life, have been able to resist having Diamondback go full on Star Wars with "No, I am your brother".  I mean, they came close in that they changed the first word and put the emphasis on the 'am' but they kept themselves from completely pulling the trigger.  Bless them.

Speaking of, I completely adore Diamondback.  THIS is what the next level villain is supposed to be when the first gets killed.  He's got a weapon that can kill Luke, there's no way to save him and, to make it even worse, they've known each other since they were kids.  Luke just found out they're bio brothers but, emotionally, they were brothers in every sense of the word.

And bravo again to Netflix for stellar casting.  Erik LaRay Harvey is a young Hey It's That Guy and is pitch perfect as Willis "Diamondback" Stryker.  Looks like my prediction last episode was wrong and the next round of parallels will be between Luke and Willis.  I'm here for it.

On the other hand, Mariah does have her own set of parallels going on but it's with the ghost of Mama Maybell.  Mariah is so freaking scary when she's running the show and Alfre is clearly having the time of her life.  I do think it's cute that Shades thinks he can step into Cotton's role so easily.  Something tells me that Mariah will get the drop on him the way Maybell got the drop on Pete.  She'll take her time to arrange the pieces but she will get checkmate.

I love Claire's Science Nerd moment when she was examining Luke's blood under the miscroscope.  Claire will heal him but the interesting part will be how she does it.

I am so happy that Diamondback didn't kill Misty.  I love her and Luke will need allies in the police department once his name is cleared of Cotton's murder.

I hate that I have stuff to do tomorrow and can't just sit here for the next five hours watching Netflix.  One more then bedtime.
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