In the name of having straight teeth, I am currently attempting to get an implant. The steps go like this:
1. Have tooth that came in both sideways and backwards pulled. Have bone graft put in its place.
2. Spend 4 -6 months healing.
3. Have implant put in.
4. Spend 4 - 6 months healing.
5. Have very minor surgery to expose implant and put healing cap on.
6. Spend 2 weeks healing.
7. Have crown placed over implant, resulting in a full set of straight teeth.
Today I went to the oral surgeon to get the implant implanted. Buuuuuuut, it didn't go to plan. They opened up my gums and drilled a hole in my upper jaw bone, only to find that the bone graft they put in did not set up as well as it might have done. So they removed the graft, replaced it, stitched me back up, and we'll try again in another four to six months. The end result is that I am very uncomfortable right now, for sake of being back at the end of step one.
But then on the other hand, this gif:
Also, the nurse/hygienist at my oral surgeon's office looks like Rashida Jones.