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Comments 8

odette_river October 31 2008, 01:23:25 UTC
Ha, I started trying to cast Arthurian legend in general, then gave up due to the sheer number of people. Kudos to you for even doing some of it. I love your choice for Gareth. And Skandar for Gaheris! Skandar is definitely my young Mordred.


scarletumbrella October 31 2008, 23:21:24 UTC
Haha thank you. Yeah there were tons of other characters I could have done as well (Elaine, Merlyn, Nimue, etc. etc.) but that would have been way too hard.

Glad you like Sean and Skandar! I think I could see Skandar as Mordred, too, actually. Though I've never seen him in a role that required him to be much like Mordred, so it's hard to gauge what he'd do with it...


mozartfan1313 October 31 2008, 03:23:20 UTC
What exactly is the novel about? If it's all historical I may add it to my Christmas list.

I love Tim Roth and Samantha Morton is so unconventionally beautiful.


scarletumbrella October 31 2008, 23:29:05 UTC
It's not all historical but I do highly recommend it. The cool thing about TH White's adaptation is that he took the Arthur legend as written by Malory in La Morte d'Arthur and 'modernized' it (he wrote TOAFK in the 50s, in the aftermath of WWII) so that it serves almost as an allegory for World War II. It deals thematically with a lot of real life issues Europe was dealing with at the time, especially war-related philosophy (just war theory and 'might versus right'). I also just really love how it's written: accessible (certainly moreso than Malory's work) but still fantastical and Medieval. ^_^ I actually have to credit this book as the source of my love for Arthurian Legend.



mozartfan1313 November 1 2008, 16:21:19 UTC
Well I added it to my Christmas list so I'm looking forward to reading it (assuming someone is going to buy it for me). :)


scarletumbrella November 3 2008, 13:54:44 UTC
Oh neat! :D Well I hope you like it. It's been a looong time since I've read it actually... I might just break it out again now. ^_^


dramaturgy October 31 2008, 04:25:00 UTC
\o/! I love it. And I love that you use Hans Matheson. :D


scarletumbrella October 31 2008, 23:29:23 UTC
*g* Yay! I love him.


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