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Comments 32

deuxcoeurs October 17 2008, 14:18:54 UTC
I loved A Long Way Down, it was such a great book, with many poignant moments. Emma Thompson would be the PERFECT Maureen. I didn't think of Kaya Scodelario at first, but I agree, she would be perfect as Jess. Great casting!


scarletumbrella October 17 2008, 14:36:08 UTC
Yeah Kaya was like an epiphany lol. :) Thanks!


__sele__ October 17 2008, 14:19:45 UTC
i love this! i adore the book, and I like your choices! Though I don¡t really agree with you with John Simm, because I always pictued that character as an old man. Oh, well.


scarletumbrella October 17 2008, 14:40:49 UTC
Thanks! Interesting that you pictured Martin as an older man - I always thought of him more like (in the US) a Matt Lauer or I maybe (in the UK) a Richard Madely type. But I can see him being older as well, now that I think about it. :) But there's got to be a limit for how old a person can be and still get a 15 year old to sleep with him. ;)


sundae1212 October 17 2008, 14:26:22 UTC
oh man; that Matt O'Leary is rather sexy, and the john simm pics made me weak in the knees.

i really didn't like A Long way down, i mean, i was involved with the characters, but i all thought they were kinda weak and some were annoying. maybe the film version would be better and more engaging.


scarletumbrella October 17 2008, 14:41:43 UTC

I didn't love it; I have to be honest. I think your complaints are totally valid. But the casting for it totally 'clicked' for me. And yeah I'd go see a film version. I have a 2/2 track record with Nick Hornby films so far! ^_^


sundae1212 October 17 2008, 14:46:48 UTC
high fidelty: loved the novel, hated the film. it had so much potential!
about a boy: winner on both


scarletumbrella October 17 2008, 14:53:36 UTC
OMGZZZZZZZZ. High Fidelity is one of my favorite films!! I actually liked it better than the book~ ^_^ *hides*

About A Boy - agree


ingalunda October 17 2008, 19:46:40 UTC
oh yes - very interesting! I really like your choice of Jess - that was a good one.


scarletumbrella October 19 2008, 15:21:25 UTC
Thanks! :)


gillian86 October 18 2008, 16:20:52 UTC
Yaaay, I love that book more than life. I don't know if I agree with Emma Thompson, though... Great choice with John Simm, I was also thinking about Christopher Eccleston for the role of Martin, I'd love to see him play that kind of role.


scarletumbrella October 19 2008, 15:22:09 UTC
Ooh, you're right - Chris would have been a good choice for Martin as well.

I'm curious who you'd see as Maureen... :)


gillian86 October 19 2008, 16:24:37 UTC
I'm torn between Imelda Staunton and Julie Walters.

And if they ever do make the movie, I hope they'll cast someone really talented for Jess. In the book she's absolutely hysterical, everything she says gets me on the floor laughing. Unfortunatley, I know nothing about Kaya Scodelario, because I don't watch Skins (my cable deliverers cut off all of my BBCs, bastards!)


scarletumbrella October 20 2008, 13:11:47 UTC
Interesting! The way I read the book I picture Maureen a bit younger than those two, but they are both very good actresses, no doubt.

Agreed!! It was hard to cast Jess because she has to be spot on and it's difficult to know if young actors will be up to scruff because they haven't been in much yet to prove themselves. From what I've seen of Skins (I'm only partially into the second season at this point, watching on BBC America) I think Kaya might be able to pull it off.


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