Kvetching for travel

Aug 04, 2009 20:47

Everyone I know is going somewhere cool over the next two weeks: WorldCon, ANA, GenCon. I am jealous as hell.

I splurged all of $20 to attend the Pacific Northwest Mouse Meet, a Disneyana show in Lynnwood the weekend of the 15th--a day trip--an hour of driving roundtrip, no hotel costs. While I expect it to be fun it won't be the same, I assure you.

I want to go to Japan with jackwilliambell so badly I can taste it, but the math says I shouldn't spend the money. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to look at the numbers one more time. Maybe if I examine them with a fever, they'll look different.

I've got the wanderlust bad. It always happens when I can least afford it. But it's been two years since my last big trip and the world is calling, one way or another.



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