
Mar 22, 2004 08:10

The weekendLooked at cars this weekend. Must make a final decision about what to buy and then do the deed before the week is out. The deadline is an artificial one, created by nothing but my own desire to have done with it. I just want it to be over and to move on ( Read more... )

car, tv, publishing, birds

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Comments 1

chirp chirp anonymous March 24 2004, 07:28:48 UTC
Hey cool, a fellow birder. We took Mishka (the ever-growing puppy) to the park yesterday and taught her how to identify ducks without tackling them. Our local American Widgeon population usually includes one or two stray Eurasian Widgeons -- also lovely to see. No Goldeneyes near here, but we do have Scaups, Wood Ducks, and American Coots, who, I must say, have the funkiest, over-sized, green chicken feet I've ever seen.

...would comment on the Salon piece too but everyone else has said everything so well... :-)



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