Alien? Um...

May 30, 2008 15:06

Apparently the press conference has been held, the video has been shown and one image has been released. See the news story and image here. More from the Denver PostFor my money, it's as impressive as pictures of ghosts, which is to say that something like this would be easy to fake. I'd need to see the video, and I'd want some other corroborative ( Read more... )

paranormal, current events

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Comments 9

deedop May 30 2008, 22:38:55 UTC
My bet is that after his secret meetings with Samantha Carter and Thor a sufficiently doctored version of the video will be released. ;-)


scarlettina May 30 2008, 23:06:20 UTC
:: chuckle ::


baron_elric May 30 2008, 23:15:47 UTC
Give him credit. He had to hunt to find that old copy of the Weekly World News to hold up to the window.


scarlettina May 30 2008, 23:27:32 UTC
::chuckle:: Brilliant! :-)


livingdeadpan May 31 2008, 00:11:28 UTC
Nice mask.


mysticalforest May 31 2008, 03:21:22 UTC
Saw the video.


As expected.


goattalker May 31 2008, 04:28:33 UTC
Hope you don't mind, I added you as you clearly write interesting things.


scarlettina May 31 2008, 06:02:54 UTC
I'm flattered! Welcome to the asylum. :) I hope it stays interesting for you here.


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