
May 30, 2008 11:33

Jeff Peckman of Colorado has created the EXTRA Campaign, a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver, Colorado. And now, Mr. Peckman claims (link goes to an MSNBC video) that he has seen video evidence of a bona fide, undisputable extraterrestrial being. Apparently he's going to show this footage to the media ( Read more... )

paranormal, current events

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scarlettina May 30 2008, 21:40:53 UTC


neutronjockey May 30 2008, 19:29:21 UTC
I want to believe too.
I'm not a skeptic--- I just require seeing the proof with my own eyes. ;)


mysticalforest May 30 2008, 20:11:51 UTC
Most anxious to see this, I am.

Hopefull, I am not.


oldmangrumpus May 30 2008, 20:34:40 UTC
I'm hoping for file footage of Dick Cheney. It would explain so much.


scarlettina May 30 2008, 21:40:33 UTC


redaxe May 30 2008, 21:37:44 UTC
I have no doubt that there is extraterrestrial intelligence. Whether they've ever visited our little galactic provincial mudball is still an open question; I've never seen persuasive evidence either way.

I'd like to believe we can still make peaceful and intelligent contact at some point. On that point, however, I have become something of a skeptic.


scarlettina May 30 2008, 21:40:09 UTC
Oh, I believe we're not alone in the universe, no question. I'm just no longer convinced that we're being visited or abducted or bred as so many abductees claim. I'm going to have to be presented with some pretty serious, corroborated evidence to believe in that stuff ever again.


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