Landmarks and milestones

Sep 11, 2014 06:49

Eleven years ago today, a little girl I didn't know at the time would ultimately be my niece was born to a woman who didn't know she'd be my sister-in-law. Today, that girl turns 11 and I couldn't be more delighted to be her aunt. She keeps telling us that she doesn't want to grow up, but in many ways, she's more grown up than she could know. I ( Read more... )

new york state of mind, observations, history

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Comments 7

suricattus September 11 2014, 14:48:27 UTC
It's good and important to remember that the day has many meanings, and not all of them are sorrowful.

(and I like your way better than that of a former co-worker, who ended his post about how today means presents and cake to him, with "so there." Which...dude. I know what you were saying but that's not how to say it.)


scarlettina September 11 2014, 15:50:09 UTC
I couldn't agree more--with everything you posted here.


mabfan September 11 2014, 14:52:45 UTC
That picture of you and your niece is great.


scarlettina September 11 2014, 15:53:14 UTC
I love that picture. It was a great day. We spent the whole day at the beach sitting in the sun, building sand castles and just relaxing. It was exactly what I hoped it would be. I so miss living near real beaches. Seattle has a beach here and a beach there, but they tend to be in close proximity to pebble strands and not very comfortable. And it takes time for things to warm up here, even in the heart of the summer. No early-morning beach going. I'm still not used to it, even 20 years later.


prettyshrub September 11 2014, 14:54:04 UTC
Such a lovely girl. And woman. :)


scarlettina September 11 2014, 15:53:27 UTC
:-) Thank you.


herself_nyc September 11 2014, 17:05:20 UTC
Marvelous pic. So glad you have a niece!


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