Art, energy, and space

Aug 29, 2014 07:41

I have been rearranging and reorganizing the art in my great room, almost certainly as a precursor to rearranging the room and the furniture. I've taken out a framed photo of old Seattle, circa 1917, that was turning green, and replaced it with a print of a David Delamare mermaid, a gift from friends. I also removed two fantasy prints. I moved my ( Read more... )

inanimate objects, art, homeownership

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Comments 2

joycemocha August 29 2014, 14:52:42 UTC
It just didn't belong with that wall at this point in your life. I believe we are seeking different forms of symmetry and balance in our lives, and that for some reason the art didn't work in the first place. It also could be the light of the season, or just the way the light strikes it in the first place as opposed to the second.

I don't know. What I do know is that what will seem balanced to one person is horribly not balanced and annoying to someone else.


herself_nyc August 29 2014, 17:10:15 UTC
That's so interesting.


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