Snow and cars

Feb 09, 2014 08:59

Yesterday, I went over to the Wayward Cafe for my friend CW's birthday. Also present at the festivities was oldmangrumpus and, eventually, some other pleasant and attractive strangers. We played boardgames and ate delicious vegan treats, then went back to CW's place for some good, ole fashioned, meat-eater's lasagna and some birthday cake. It was, all in all, a ( Read more... )

car, weather

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Comments 5

amheriksha February 10 2014, 17:24:19 UTC
I am really hoping you found your car happy and well. I was not so lucky, so hopefully that satisfied the auto carnage gods this time around. Absolutely sympathetic about the car trepidation. For the first six months I owned this one, I was convinced it would get stolen. The amount of anxiety was unreal. So hugs and hopes that your anxieties were not realized.


scarlettina February 11 2014, 02:56:17 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear about your car! I hope you've got some kind of recourse for the damage.


prettyshrub February 10 2014, 17:59:56 UTC
I think you are entitled after your various major car issues. Considering the effort and cost that goes into getting a car, I wish more people were careful of them.

I have major door dents that I'm pretty sure come from people not being careful when they open their doors. Or possibly their children, since I am near a daycare. I haven't got the bucks to fix it, and it makes my one of my back doors hard to close properly.

Hopefully all is well with your car and your week goes smoothly.


scarlettina February 11 2014, 02:56:49 UTC
Everything with the car is well. Yesterday afternoon I got out of the house and moved it to the carport with little trouble.


prettyshrub February 11 2014, 04:06:46 UTC


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