Look what I did today!

Oct 12, 2013 17:36

When I had my accident back in February and the insurance company totaled the car, I decided that I would go carless for a while and see what it was like. It was a big adjustment, having to plan every little detail and to rely on schedules and resources that were not mine. Commuting was easy; I work downtown now and don't need a car for that. The ( Read more... )

car, inanimate objects, shopping, about me

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Comments 9

mcjulie October 13 2013, 17:22:54 UTC
Beautiful! And the car is too.


amheriksha October 14 2013, 16:06:29 UTC
Yay car! I'm glad you found a new one that you love.


sinthrex October 20 2013, 21:02:01 UTC


skidspoppe October 27 2013, 12:41:41 UTC
I didn't see this until now... looks great!!! Wish I was gonna make it to seattle this trip back to the States

And oh man, I know the feeling of being without a car. It kills me when I have to go to Vilnius and rely on the train to get back home. It also limits my options. I wish they had zip cars here...


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