Paris, Day 7: Sunshine and Shopping and Walking: Shopwalking?

Oct 01, 2012 08:35

After yesterday's grand disappointments and frustrations, we decided to take it easy today. We woke a little later, ate a nice egg and cheese breakfast, and followed a Rick Steves walking tour from the Place de la Bastille through the Marais to the Pompidou Center. We had perfect, clear weather (which we've had since Friday morning--Wednesday and ( Read more... )

europe 2012, paris 2012, art, shopping, current events, travel

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Comments 3

shadowdaddy October 1 2012, 07:26:48 UTC
I am loving the detail in these daily is of course reminding me of all the lovely times I've had just roaming around Paris over my several long weekends in the last few years. Sorry I wasn't able to pop down and meet up! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time though and I hope the last few days are great, too =)


herself_nyc October 1 2012, 21:31:33 UTC
At the table next to us, a senior woman sat by herself impeccably dressed in a yellow cardigan and yellow slacks daintily eating a creme brulee.

I sat next to that same woman - she's everywhere - at an outdoor cafe across from the Jardin de Luxembourg, and admired how she ate a nicoise salad and a plate of strawberries, while, unlike me, not fumbling with her bag, her phone, or bringing out any reading material.


oldmangrumpus October 2 2012, 03:51:15 UTC
On the other hand, there are times when one just wants to eat and be done.

tch. Tres American....



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