Weight Loss Momentum

May 16, 2012 07:44

Haven't posted much about weight loss lately, mainly because progress has been slow this year. (It's been a bitch of a year, frankly, and so I'm cutting myself some slack for the slowed-down momentum, but it's been hard--which is part of the point of this post.) As of last night's weigh-in, I'm down 56.4 pounds and at a weight I haven't seen in a ( Read more... )

weight loss, health

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Comments 14

anaka May 16 2012, 15:23:48 UTC
Swimming is a small vanity hit, but really... nobody's looking at you. They're doing their own exercise thing. I am faced with the same issue, and it sucks, but it sucks less over time.


willowgreen May 16 2012, 15:37:19 UTC
Weight loss always slows down after a while -- it's one of the things that's always discouraged me. I'm so impressed with what you've accomplished and with your determination to continue!


e_bourne May 16 2012, 15:49:39 UTC
This has been an insanely difficult year, and your knee hurts. Getting your knee fixed is really a priority for exercise. That you are still losing mites of pounds is a wonderful accomplishment and not to be forgotten in this very tough year.

Also, we should talk about that exercise bike I have with your name on it.


matociquala May 16 2012, 16:31:22 UTC


scarlettina May 17 2012, 14:28:43 UTC
I'll see you Saturday. :-)


fjm May 16 2012, 16:15:09 UTC
apologies if you have already done this:

My knees have been far better since I invested in custom orthotics. I've gone from a cane, to walking a couple of hours a day. I still can't do hills but it's a huge improvement.


scarlettina May 17 2012, 14:29:29 UTC
I haven't done it; it hadn't even occurred to me. I've made an appointment to see my doctor next week, so this is something I'll ask about and see what she says. Thanks for the suggestion.


matociquala May 16 2012, 16:30:53 UTC

It's taken me six years to get within 30 pounds of my goal. Keep at it--finally, this past four months or so, I've realized that my body is fit and it works and it does everything I want it to.

It's so amazing to *have my body back*. More or less healthy. Strong.

Would working out on an elliptical help the knee?

And you are beautiful.


scarlettina May 17 2012, 14:34:56 UTC
Thank you. :-)

Every time I complain about or consider how long this process takes, I remember the first time I said something like that to my Weight Watchers leader. She said to me, "You need to be somewhere? You on a deadline? Nope, didn't think so. How long did it take you to put on the weight?" and I realize that it may, in fact, be unreasonable to expect the weight to come off faster than I put it on. She has a point: the process takes as long as it takes. As long as the general trend is downward, I'm achieving my goal: a healthier weight and a healthier life.

If I feel the press of time, it's because this is a landmark birthday year for me, and I guess I'd like to lose the weight before age takes its toll on my body and makes the weight loss take a back seat to other issues that need to be addressed. I want to enjoy my body while I'm still young enough to do so, and the fact that I let myself balloon to 232 pounds in the prime of my life still makes me feel like an idiot. But I'm better now.


matociquala May 17 2012, 14:45:14 UTC
I hear you. Oh boy, do I hear you.

The important thing is, you're doing something about it.

Every time I go to my climbing gym I see men and women in their sixties who still climb. They may not crush 5.12s anymore, but they climb--and they do it with elegance and practiced grace.

I want to be one of them in twenty years.

And I feel better at forty than I did at thirty-three, which was pretty much the nadir of my taking care of myself.


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