Things I want to write full entries about . . .

Feb 01, 2012 07:54

. . . but probably won't:

Restaurant Bathrooms: Why are restaurant bathrooms invariably cold? It's the one place in a restaurant where you will remove clothing to function. It's like you're being penalized for being human. And then the water from the faucet for handwashing is also, invariably, cold. Why? In the dead of winter, WHY?

Living with a ( Read more... )

weight loss, sophie, random, observations

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Comments 7

mabfan February 1 2012, 16:31:04 UTC
"There's nothing so plaintive (or occasionally so grating) as a cat who keeps asking why, why, why aren't we playing now, now, now?"

It's plaintive from toddlers too.... :-)

I agree with you on the cold bathrooms question. I suspect it has to do with the heat conduction properties of tile.


herself_nyc February 1 2012, 16:50:36 UTC
It's similar with Chuffey. Traddles was never much of a player in the first place, but Chuff can't see me sit down at my desk without dancing up and jumping up and wielding toys at me.

The darling.


prettyshrub February 1 2012, 18:05:22 UTC
Kitties who want to play (or even snuggle) when you want to get something done are definitely a quandary. But a cute quandary

Not sure if this will help on the food front, but here is a site that has some recipes for veggie dishes that I found interesting:


pennysquisher February 1 2012, 20:00:26 UTC
A lot of times the reason that the water in restaurant restrooms is cold is because the hot water is purposefully turned off to prevent burns. A lot of restaurants keep their hot water heaters turned up hot enough (for dish washing) that it can scald if you don't also turn on the cold water. They don't want to get sued if someone gets burned so they turn off the hot water to the restrooms.

Does Sophie sit in front of your book when you're trying to read? When I lay down in bed to read Pepper lays on the bottom of my face and curls up in a kitty puddle so that I have to hold the book over the top of her to be able to read. I've decided that people with cat allergies must not be able to check out books from the library because my library books usually end up covered with cat hair.


singingnettle February 1 2012, 20:10:15 UTC
Myst and Minnow spend hours chasing each other. If I didn't have Myst to play with Minnow, I think Minnow would be a very hard cat to live with. (Although she's also spending a lot of time in my lap, which a year ago I didn't expect would ever happen.) IHG and I have talked about getting a young cat before Myst starts seriously declining, because yeah, if you have a young, active cat, there's just so much exercise a monkey can provide.

We have also seriously considered getting a kitty treadmill for Minnow--standard equipment if you have a cat that's mostly Bengal, which is the target market for these things--but they're $300 plus like $100 shipping, and I haven't talked myself into justifying spending that much.


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