Prompt me!

Dec 05, 2011 23:07

I want to write something for my SGA 'Were 'Verse, but I'm not sure what, so I'm leaving that up to you, f-list. Whatever's written is most likely going to be short; probably 500-2,000 words in length, since I'm still recovering from NaNoWriMo. So... prompt away! Canon Pairings are as follows: Mckay/Sheppard, Lorne/Parrish, Zelenka/Weir. Anything ( Read more... )

fandom: sga, fic: sga were!verse, fic: stories, fic: challenge, fic: fanfic, fic: au, fic: drabbles, fic: writing, mood: bored, friends: f-list

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Comments 15

kensieg December 6 2011, 14:31:58 UTC
McShep would be great! how about a first time?


scarlet_gryphon December 6 2011, 19:56:04 UTC
Hmm... Does it matter what the first time is for? *grins*


kensieg December 6 2011, 21:06:11 UTC
no kink or anything too explicit. I'm more of a schmoop person


scarlet_gryphon December 7 2011, 05:35:06 UTC
No problem. I'm up for schmoop!


squidgiepdx December 6 2011, 14:52:17 UTC
Oohhh... I like this idea!!!

So how about Lorne/Parrish and the prompt: the first snowfall of the season

(I've only read the one tidbit of this 'verse you left in the Fall Meme a couple of months ago - I'd love to read more of it!)


scarlet_gryphon December 6 2011, 19:56:55 UTC
One snowy fic coming right up!


rinkafic December 6 2011, 15:14:51 UTC

Let's see... since I'm feeling this myself today...

Sick Day.

Lorne/Parrish wakes up sick and has to stay home. The other stays to take care of him.


scarlet_gryphon December 6 2011, 19:57:37 UTC
*grins* You have some of the best ideas.


rinkafic December 6 2011, 22:48:46 UTC
Awww, thanks. I wish I had the best executions of said ideas! :)


scarlet_gryphon December 17 2011, 20:15:28 UTC
For you, my dear. One Sick Day fic, as promised.


clwilson2006 December 6 2011, 19:11:18 UTC
*digs around in the bunny bin*


Lorne/Parrish (sorry I don't have any McShep bunnies) Choosing the perfect holiday tree - don't you just know teh botanist is a perfectionist??

PS. where is all this were verse? I want to read it.


scarlet_gryphon December 6 2011, 19:53:19 UTC
*grins* I'm going to have fun with these. As for where this 'Were verse is, it's mostly NCIS at the moment, though I did cross over into SGA in the later chapters of the first (and currently only) story. I don't have any ideas for a bigger SGA story at the moment, so I figured doing shorter stories first might help spawn some bunnies.


squidgiepdx December 7 2011, 22:17:32 UTC
OMG, this is awesome!!! You have the bestest bunnies! :)


clwilson2006 December 7 2011, 23:52:04 UTC
here, you can have one too.

Porndex - Teaching Ronon Christmas (or holiday or your choice) traditions (Bonus point if Ronons favourite thing is mistletoe)


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