Fff I can't believe I didn't see this earlier.flyingrat42April 20 2010, 09:26:58 UTC
Adrian Veidt would like you to know that he has 1000 Official Veidt Demerit Coupons all wrapped up and waiting for you, to be delivered at the earliest possible opportunity. (Yes, they are purple.)
[Quick, he's not looking! Here, have 2000 awesome points to balance it out.]
Re: Fff I can't believe I didn't see this earlier.scarlet_carsonsApril 20 2010, 22:02:25 UTC
Adrian Veidt would like you to know that he has 1000 Official Veidt Demerit Coupons all wrapped up and waiting for you, to be delivered at the earliest possible opportunity. (Yes, they are purple.)
I'm going to stay away from windows for the next few months.
And boats.
And wine.
And research buildings.
And naked blue dudes.
And I'll cash in my awesome points and buy enough tinfoil to insulate my nuclear bunker from alien mind rays. Thank you.
Re: Fff I can't believe I didn't see this earlier.flyingrat42April 21 2010, 03:36:44 UTC
You forgot the kitchens of dingy NY tenements.
Adrian informs you that, not to worry, he quite enjoyed the poem. The Official Disapproval is just standard procedure in these cases, and carries no further threat. (I would avoid chewing on the demerit coupons, though, as they might have unforeseen hallucinogenic effects.)
On the subject of aluminum foil as an insulating substance, he would also like to direct your attention to the study detailed at http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet/, which may prove enlightening. Evidently the standard Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie, in multiple configurations, actually serves to amplify and concentrate signals in certain frequency bands...which suggests that the advertisement of tinfoil for such purposes is itself a government conspiracy.
Comments 14
She looks like she's just thrown a hapless subordinate into a pit full of crocodiles.
Adrian Veidt would like you to know that he has 1000 Official Veidt Demerit Coupons all wrapped up and waiting for you, to be delivered at the earliest possible opportunity. (Yes, they are purple.)
[Quick, he's not looking! Here, have 2000 awesome points to balance it out.]
I'm going to stay away from windows for the next few months.
And boats.
And wine.
And research buildings.
And naked blue dudes.
And I'll cash in my awesome points and buy enough tinfoil to insulate my nuclear bunker from alien mind rays. Thank you.
Adrian informs you that, not to worry, he quite enjoyed the poem. The Official Disapproval is just standard procedure in these cases, and carries no further threat. (I would avoid chewing on the demerit coupons, though, as they might have unforeseen hallucinogenic effects.)
On the subject of aluminum foil as an insulating substance, he would also like to direct your attention to the study detailed at http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet/, which may prove enlightening. Evidently the standard Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie, in multiple configurations, actually serves to amplify and concentrate signals in certain frequency bands...which suggests that the advertisement of tinfoil for such purposes is itself a government conspiracy.
*chews on them*
...which suggests that the advertisement of tinfoil for such purposes is itself a government conspiracy.
How do I know that this isn't propaganda distributed to deter me from using tinfoil, though?
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