Fic: In Time (Chapter 1)

Sep 13, 2008 23:35



I love you too. That was Jin’s last conscious thought as he finally fell into unconscious after hearing an ambulance already passing by and people shouting and screaming in aghast because of the sudden accident.


It happened so fast. I didn’t expect it to happen. I never expected it to happen.


Where am I? Why does it feel so…hot?

Jin looked around but unfortunately, he couldn’t see anything. It was pure darkness. He was staring at nothing but he felt something. Everything. He blinked a few times but he still couldn’t see anything…and that’s when he started to panic.

He ran everywhere. Anywhere. He stopped dead in his tracks as he suddenly heard Kazuya’s voice out of nowhere.

“You’ve always been an idiot, Jin! I can’t believe you’d actually cheat on me with that woman! I can’t believe you, I just can’t…”

He turned around but he saw no one.


Jin couldn’t make out what was going on. He can’t remember what happened. He clutched his head with has hands and kneeled.

“What’s going on, damnit!” He cursed nothing in particular but he was so furious. He looked ahead and suddenly saw a window appear in front of him. On the other side of the window, he could hear voices. Voices he really know in fact.

It was of him and Kazuya.

“How many times do I have to explain to you that I’m not going out with her? We just happened to pass by each other and catch up on our lives since we meet rarely!”

“Good riddance, I’m leaving. See you later, Jin.”

Jin saw himself and Kazuya fighting. He was starting to remember one by one what had happened that day. It was one of those days where they always fight after having sex and stuff.

“What the hell?”

But the scene changed but it was still about him and Kazuya. It was about their date last Christmas and how happy they were. They sat on one of the benches around Shibuya and it was already late at night but they already had each other and that was enough.

Kazuya grinned in the scene as he looked at Jin.

“Merry Christmas, Jin!” Kazuya kissed his boyfriend’s cheeks not caring whether people saw them or not. What he cared for was he was with his loved one. And he was grateful for it.

“Merry Christmas too, love.” Jin smiled as he leaned in and gave his lover a chaste kiss.

Jin, who was watching the scene, smiled but that was suddenly erased when he suddenly heard Kazuya’s voice again but this time he couldn’t see anything at all again.

“I’m really sorry about awhile ago. I didn’t mean to walk out on you like that without hearing what you have to say. I’m sorry,”

Jin peeked into the window again and again but he couldn’t see anything. His frown deepened at that but he was still grateful that he can still hear Kazuya’s voice.

“I’ll do anything you want. You’ve always wanted to go back to Disneyland right? I’ll bring you there as many times as you want. I won’t complain about you being so childish about it anymore.”

He smiled at how concerned and touching his boyfriend could be. He would also be sensitive about it and he loved him so much for it.

“So Jin, please don’t forget to call me back once you receive this message. I’ll be waiting,”

And that’s when Jin started to see something. His eyes widened and shocked filled him when he saw a car-his car-suddenly being drove in front of him, getting ready to crash. But what shocked him more was that he saw himself inside the now dangerous car after being hit twice by a racing motorcycle followed by a car. What made it worse was the impact it had when it already hit the pole.

Jin was waiting for the impact of the crash but it didn’t happen. He was closing his eyes before but now when he opened them again, he suddenly saw himself in the scene again, all covered with blood while in the driver’s seat, cell phone clutch in hand and badly hurt.

He now heard the sudden buzzing from the ambulance and chaotic noise of the people who were around.

So that what happened.


Jin closed his eyes and placed his face on his palms. He was already sitting on the ground and he never noticed the window was already gone.

So where am I now?

Am I dead?

It feels like it.

But it doesn’t feel like heaven.

It doesn’t feel like hell either.

He bit his lip as questions filled his mind again and again. What was going to happen to him next? What happened to the people after his accident? What happened to his Kazuya after it?

He groaned. “I hate this!” He sat there alone for a few moments until he could hear voices again. This time, younger and cheerful ones.

“Hey, Jin! Hold my hand. Careful not to fall! Woops-“ Jin smirked at this. He knew the voice all too well. It was Kazuya’s. It was the time they were going skating and he was embarrassed because he didn’t know how to skate but he can still remember how happy and grateful he was that Kazuya was there to teach him.

Laughter rang around the area but the more he heard Kazuya’s voice, the more he missed him. Scenes of them together ever since they were young flooded his mind and he was being sad thinking he would never get to see him again in this condition.

I miss you my Kazu.

He buried his face between his knees as he sobbed quietly. Yes, he was already crying. He didn’t want this. He never did. And now he didn’t know what to do for he believed that he was already dead. No more chance.


Jin was lying on the floor as he tried to count the minutes he was there. But he couldn’t. It’s as if either time was too fast or time was too slow. He saw the window yet again and decided to peek at it again.

And he was happy that he did.

Because he saw on the other side that he still had hope.


“Doctor, what happened to Jin? Tell me, what’s wrong with him!” Kazuya was crying loudly that Ueda had to pull him back from the doctor.

“Akanishi got into a car accident and his condition is not at all good.” The doctor replied nonchalantly as he looked at Kazuya.

“I know he’s not in a good condition! I wanna know what’s going to happen to him!” Kazuya merely shouted. Jin’s parents and Reio were outside the room, couldn’t take the idea of Jin being in a very dangerous condition.

“Akanishi is now in a coma. But I can’t assure you whether he’s going to live or not. But I think it’s best if you only believe in him and believe in us because we’re going to do our best in letting him survive,” The doctor said, now assuring the other and trying to calm him down.

Kazuya groaned as he continued to glare at the doctor but when he glanced at Jin’s pale body lying on the bed, he sighed and his body seemed to calm down. “Ueda, please let go.” And the older man did.

He walked to Jin’s bed and held the older man’s hand. “Be strong Jin, I’ll wait for you.”


Jin smiled at the scene knowing well that he’s just in a coma and that Kazuya’s still there for him. So now he should just try his best in keeping himself survive.

A few moments later, the window vanished again but a door suddenly appeared in front of him. The door looked new and flashy but Jin had quite a bad feeling about it. Was he going to open it or not? He gulped as he placed his hand on the door knob. His breath hitched at the sudden feeling of nervousness because he felt that something bad was on the other side.

But he tried to regain himself again, mentally preparing himself for what he may see.


He opened the door and opened his eyes at the same time. Once inside, the door behind him now faded and he was in a…living room? He couldn’t tell whose, though. But what he could tell was that it was so clean and in order so most probably it wasn’t his.

He looked around the apartment to find some clues to which the apartment belongs. He grinned when he saw a portrait of his Kazuya on the coffee table but he frowned when he saw the picture next to it.

It was a picture of a couple but the couple wasn’t them. In the photo was Kazuya, yes, but he was with another girl whom Jin have never met before.

Might be Kazuya’s relative?

But he doubted a bit. Because the way they were behaving in the picture made it seem like they weren’t. In the picture, Kazuya and the girl was staring at each other’s eyes lovingly that was usually reserved for Jin and Kazuya.

This is wrong.

Who is this girl? Why is she with Kazuya?

Jin placed the photo frame down with a bang, not caring whether he broke it or not. He never seemed to notice the maturity Kazuya looked in the photo. It’s as if he had gone…older?

Kazuya’s gonna be in trouble, I bet.

He frowned angrily as he continued to walk around the apartment. How dare he cheats on me?! He suddenly halts when he heard some moans and groans from a room that was really near to him.

He leaned it to better hear what was going on as he placed his ear next to the door. He was suddenly filled with anger with what he heard.

“Oh Kazu, faster, faster!”

“Wait for me, come on, you can do it.”

One was feminine and the other was clearly Kazuya’s. That fiend! Jin grabbed the door knob furiously as he opened the door with anger and hatred. The couple inside, of course was so shocked with the sudden intrusion.

The woman looked shocked first making Kazuya look curious and turned to the point of shock was. He then too, was so shocked when he saw Jin standing there in the door.

“Jin?” Kazuya looked at him with so much confusion and shock and a ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ look.

“Yes, and you’re caught in the act, Kamenashi.” Jin seethed as he glared at the couple in the bed.

“What the hell are you talking about, Akanishi?” Kazuya glared back. This made Jin more furious than ever. “You’re cheating on me, what does it look like! How could you have sex with another girl when you’re my boyfriend!” He yelled.

“You’re dating him?!” The girl suddenly yelled at Kazuya but the latter just shook his head.

“I did before. But I broke up with him 8 years ago.” Kazuya glared at Jin making the latter suddenly look at him in shock.

“Eight…years ago?” The words were caught in Jin’s throat. What did Kazuya meant when he said eight years ago? Jin looked around the room to search for a calendar and he did. He stared at it intently and his voice left him when he saw the year he was already in: 2016.

You mean…I lost Kazuya…a few months after my car accident?


The scene suddenly changed and he was suddenly back in the lonely dark area again. There he saw two windows in front of him and he peeked first into one of them. He saw himself in another scene.

Around the room he was looking at, the year was also 2016. And he could see Jin all alone in the room and the room itself felt a lonely atmosphere. The room wasn’t in order and things were scattered everywhere; it’s as if Jin doesn’t really care at all.

He backed away from the window and asked: Is this what’s going to happen to me in the future?

…I won’t allow it!

He peeked to the other window and saw the year was 2008. He sighed in relief that it still was. On the other side of the window, he saw himself and Kazuya walking around the park talking about some random stuff. He couldn’t clearly hear what it was about until the younger one was frantically yelling.

“We’re over, Jin! I hate you so goddamn much! Leave me alone!”

The Jin in the scene was so shocked as he chased Kazuya but failed after getting lost in the crowd. And before he knew it, it was already over and he couldn’t find a way to contact Kazuya anymore.



Jin pulled away from the scene again. “Kazuya can’t break up with me. He can’t! I’ll never let that happen!”

Jin, wake up. Please?


Author’s Notes:
Phew! I finally updated this one! ((: I’m so sorry if I took so long and that it sucked so much. :( How do you hate it? Comment please. Thank you. :D♥

group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, x3, fic, fanfic: multichapter, kazuya kamenashi is love, johnny's entertainment, fic: in time

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