14. If You Want Him, Come and Claim Him [Permavideo/Locked to Linkara's friends]

Jun 19, 2011 22:36

[Linkara. Camera. Couch. Very serious business.]

Well, there's good news and then there's bad news. The good news is, I found Franky.

[If you're watching, you can see the expression on his face darken.]

The bad news is, Mechakara found him first.

I don't know what Mechakara and Judas Liz did to him, but I'm sure it's not pretty. If I don't find him soon, Mechakara might kill him. I wouldn't put it past that bucket of bolts. I think I know where he is - that's not a problem.

[He sighs, steeling himself. He doesn't normally do this sort of thing, and it's tougher than he thought it'd be.]

The problem is, I can't beat him alone. He made that pretty obvious the last time we fought, and now he has Judas Liz helping him out.

I still don't know everything they're capable of, but I do know it's going to be dangerous. I can't ask you to help fight my battles, especially with everything going on in the city right now...but if you do want to fight, I could use the help.

Anyone who wants to help get Franky back, meet me in the lobby of the Blackstone in half an hour.

[character] linkara

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