Title: A Sometimes Craving (Part 1/?)
Fandom: Supernatural (Cameos from Vampire Chronicles.)
Prompt: 35 - Sixth Sense
Rating: PG-13, this section
Words: 1500+
Feedback will be welcomed with open arms and warm cookies. I'm still feeling my way around in this fandom. :-)
So... snakebites? )
Comments 5
Bever... *snickers*
Where's my cookies?
Under any other circumstance, Dean would've taken that as a compliment of the highest order. But he doesn't like being told that he's bad at a job. Even a fake job. And you better believe that's going to have consequences. *cackles more*
You'd risk that? Even knowing what you know about my cooking? *G* I'm flattered.
Oh believe me he would have, he would have used it as a pick-up line. Everything bites him in the ass. lmao.
Dear god, this is true. But I have to wonder if you can really fuck up cut and bake cookies...
Man, you better hope nothing bites him in the ass in this fic. *shifty eyes* Or the neck.
Me? Never! I'd just wind up nibbling on the raw batter before I could get 'em in the oven, of course. Ha!
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