I'll give you three guesses what type of post this is.

Oct 01, 2010 09:46

It's OFFICIAL! And we're back to the Author Choice GIF

Topic: Doctor Who (New Series)
Subject: General
Theme Set: Beta
Type: GIFs
Batch: Author Choice (#31 - 40)


Again, these are based off TV Tropes. Go to their site for more awesomeness.


Sometimes, in time travel, the people involved will just not bother to put era-correct clothes. Surprisingly - Nobody seems to make a big deal about it. Maybe an off comment here or there, but nobody gets burned as a witch.


Only really significant in fandoms with high body counts. Every once in a while you get a story where quite literally EVERYBODY LIVES, despite all the pain and suffering. As far as the GIF goes... if you know NuWho, you will get it. If not, I am not remotely spoiling this plot point for you. Just watch "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead" for yourself. Only, not at night. Or, you know, In a room with copious amounts of shadows. Yeah.


If there is one thing we know from time travel shows, it's never meet, run into, or especially TOUCH your other self. Only badness will occur.


This gem of technobabble is used everywhere. Strangely, it seems to do something different every time. Bonus points if it's "Reverse the Polarity of the Neutron Flow." (Which if you passed basic science you know makes NO sense.)


Sometimes, a show will switch actors for a character without explanation. Soap Operas are constant offenders of this. Sometimes, however, they will write an explanation into the show. The Doctor is one of the most famous examples of this in that there have been Eleven actors to play the same character (more or less).


Think Lara Croft and Xena. Basically it's a female action hero.


Sometimes, a villain wants to rule the world. Other times, he wants to destroy it. This is the second.


A few words, or even a phrase that is repeated throughout a season or series destined to be significant later.


This one, sadly, happens a good deal in real life. Less so these days, but it can still be seen now and then.

Let's face it. Sometimes kids have kids. I'm not just talking highschoolers, I mean YOUNG. Rather than tell the child that they are the product of one so young themselves, the parent lies and raises them as a sibling.  In the above episode, that was the final payoff in the end. The zombified little boy who spent the entire episode searching for his mummy finds her - in his "sister".


There's talking a good game, and then there's causing the bad guys to wet themselves by revealing who you are. You have to be SERIOUSLY badass for it to work, but when it does, it is Made Of Awesomeness.

That's it for now. BTW, just had BK Breakfast while typing. It was yummy!



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