I might even give up a kidney for one of these...

Jul 21, 2008 16:47

*public entry because I am so friggin desperate that I'll accept information from any random person who happens to be browsing around lj*

Okay, so I don't know how many of you know this, but I sort of love my apartment. It may not be huge, or in even remotely the best neighborhood, and parking is a constant nightmare, and I get in fights with ( Read more... )

assistance please!, photos: misc

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julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:25:29 UTC
Teka or Intema (or more popularly known as Vitra/Artema). Those two deal in bathroom/kitchen solutions and they have EVERYTHING.

Downside: Those are European companies, so it's hard to find a store that sells their stuff.
Upside: You live in LA.

Downside: Shit is quite expensive there.
Upside: You will start hurting.

By the way, your faucets? Made me LOL hard. Beyond pathetic.


demosthenes91 July 22 2008, 01:24:03 UTC
Well, you could always find out where your local heroin addicts purchase their rubber tubing from, then pull that together and duct tape them together with one hole punched in the middle... that's maybe $5 and change?


I'm trying to use all the new icons here...


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:27:48 UTC
lol, someone else suggested rubber as well! ha, omg, as much as I LOATHE my current situation, I don't think I could quite go that far, my aesthetic sensibilities would be scarred! SCARRED I SAY!!!!

lol, well feel free to icon spam me, but I don't really get that one -- are you a book burner now? OMG NAZI!!!


demosthenes91 July 22 2008, 01:34:01 UTC
Don't you know what day it is?

Look closer you goofball...that's one seriously crappy epilogue getting torched. I swiped it from 54321sherry. You should see the rest of her post. I like the marshmallow pic myself...

This icon's from Watchmen, btw... you've cleaned me out of new icons... *pout*


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:39:50 UTC
ha, lol, no wonder I didn't recognize it, I didn't even read that book! I mean, I read most of the first chapter and then got bored and was like whatever. At least I only paid $5 bucks for it used, lol.

and so my work is done!


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