Title: Night of Fright Creator: TheFoxinator Rating: K Setting: After season ten (Spoilers are pretty vague, besides who lives) Prompt: The Gathering Word Count: 630
In the dining room, there’s a Christopher Lee Dracula robot that reaches for them as they pass. Giles laughs in what sounds suspiciously like delight, Xander takes pictures again (presumably to rat Andrew out to the real deal)
Comments 4
I am delighted that Giles is delighted! And Dawn would make an excellent Holly Golightly.
Your casual mention of BART wins you local points! Great job!
In the dining room, there’s a Christopher Lee Dracula robot that reaches for them as they pass. Giles laughs in what sounds suspiciously like delight, Xander takes pictures again (presumably to rat Andrew out to the real deal)
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