A bit of extremely silly Friday afternoon fluff. I couldn't let
bogwitch's latest set of terrific prompts go to waste, so I decided to use them all at once.
Another not very good drabble. That's two entire drabbles in one month. I'm getting better.
Setting: Some indeterminate never-never time after the end of the show.
Pairing: Ahem!
Rating: PG
For the prompt: All of them
Where No Slayer Has Boldly Gone Before
Buffy's fingers sidled down Spike's bare chest. "Who would've guessed fighting alien cyborgs aboard the international space station was part of the Slayer's remit? Soo not expected, plus weird!"
Spike nuzzled her ear. "If the wankers'd set off that supervolcano as per their dastardly plan, they could've done some serious damage. 'Sides, the look on their stupid faces when we appeared out of nowhere - bloody brilliant!"
Buffy's hand crept lower. "Guess what else is weird? Turns out teleportation makes Slayers horny, which you don't learn from Star Trek. Does it do anything for vampires?"
Spike smirked. "Beam me up, Scotty."