Fic: Palimpsest - Part One

Jan 10, 2015 07:43

Prompt: I don't believe in this stuff anyway... (Sept 2014).
Title:  Palimpsest
Rating: R
Setting: Post-series AU (could be mid-S9)
Warnings: Grab your tissues.  At least - I hope you need them!  :)
A/N: I wrote this a year ago in preparation for the next round of Seasonal Spuffy... but Seasonal Spuffy has gone on hiatus.  Meanwhile, S10 keeps ( Read more... )

setting: b9, character: xander, character: willow, character: buffy, setting: post-series, medium: fic, character: dawn, creator: spuffy_luvr, setting: au, character: spike

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Comments 24

quinara January 10 2015, 18:50:49 UTC
This is amazing! I have no idea what the heck is going on, but I'm very happy to wait and see...


baphrosia January 12 2015, 21:07:37 UTC
Aw, thank you! I promise not to make you wait too long!


waddiwasiwitch January 10 2015, 23:52:05 UTC
Wow - I don't know what the hell is going on BUT I'm intrigued.


baphrosia January 12 2015, 21:07:55 UTC
Woo! Exactly what I was going for! :)


slaymesoftly January 11 2015, 02:01:44 UTC
Whoa! There is going to be a part 2, right? I'm totally hooked.


baphrosia January 12 2015, 21:08:16 UTC
AND a parts 3 and 4! Yay!


fenchurche January 11 2015, 07:44:16 UTC
Ooo... intriguing!!!


baphrosia January 12 2015, 21:08:27 UTC
Thank you!


zanthinegirl January 11 2015, 16:20:39 UTC
Wow, this is so compelling. I have no clue what's going on, but I really want more!


baphrosia January 12 2015, 21:08:54 UTC
Yay! My evil plan worked! :)


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