
Jul 24, 2011 13:02

Surpised myself yesterday by managing to write a Spuffy drabble. I really thought my Spuffy muse was dead and buried.

Setting: Season 6, just post-Afterlife
Rating: PG
100 words. Spike is angry.
For the prompt: Knocking on Heaven's Door (though only the Bob Dylan version, 'cos I hate Guns n' Roses, and it doesn't have much to do with the song anyway)
Also, I couldn't think of a title. Shows, doesn't it?


As she walks into the unforgiving sunlight, he can almost see those clouds of glory that she's trailing.

'Course she was in heaven. Stands to reason. No need to harrow hell, though he would have been first in line if anyone had asked.

Would have knocked on heaven's door too. Battered it down, more like, and stamped on the pieces. Would have spat in God's eye if that's what it took.

Anything to get her back.

Which makes him as selfish as the rest of them. Her so-called friends. But he's a vampire. What the bloody hell is their excuse?

medium: fic, creator: shapinglight, setting: b6

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