
Oct 31, 2015 13:40

Title: Survivors
Creator: TheFoxinator
Rating: K
Setting: Post-"Not Fade Away" AU
Summary/Prompt: Smudge: The Ghouliest Show on Earth (AU)
Word Count: 174

Buffy was excited when TV came back. For the first couple of days, it was like the world hadn’t ended. It was like things used to be when they actually had a humanity to protect. Like they hadn’t totally failed to save the world one last time and they weren’t living on a dystopian planet in which she and Connor were the closest things to human there were.

Then she actually tried watching the shows.

Law and Order just lost its appeal with the all Chaos demon cast. Or maybe it had to do with the writers. She made it through only the first half of the first episode of Real Boretz Demons of New York. She stuck it out with Ghoul Gals a bit longer but… that was mostly because that’s what the rest of the group wanted to watch (sans Illyria who abstained from voting as always and Angel who was too busy brooding… so ‘the group’ being Spike and Connor only).

“I think I just don’t get all the corpse humour,” Buffy says. She lifts her head from Spike’s shoulder (and her eyes from her book) to watch the ghouls argue about whether vampire meat is high grade enough to impress a date. “Would I get it if I ate people too?”

“No one eats people anymore,” Spike points out.

“Point,” she agrees.

“Survivor definitely got better,” Connor says.

You know what? She has to agree there too.

creator: foxstarreh, setting: post-series, medium: fic, setting: au

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