Skeleton Plea

Oct 30, 2015 12:58

Title: Skeleton Plea
Creator: TheFoxinator
Rating: K
Setting: Season ten
Summary/Prompt: Smudge: The Scary Sky Skeleton (comedy)
Word Count: 174

Buffy tears her way through another one of the Sculptor’s golems and is rewards with a gush of blood, guts, pus, and in general more fluids than should be legally allowed inside a single body.

Ugh, barf.

“Can we become enemies with a guy who controls skeletons next time?” she calls to Spike. “That has to be less yeeeugh than this.”

Spike’s sword slices through the neck (neck?) of one of the golems and there’s just a spray of inside.

Buffy’s pretty good with blood most of the time but this is just… this is pushing things that shouldn’t be pushed.

“Probably be a bit harder to destroy,” Spike says. “Sturdier. More stabby.”


Is it weird that it makes her smile when he talks like them? Even if it’s when he’s making fun of them.

“I can even let it have more advantage. It could even fly. I don’t care,” says Buffy. “Just as long as it doesn’t do…” she looks down at her ruined, once adorable but now oozing outfit, “this. Please.”

creator: foxstarreh, setting: b10, medium: fic

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