Pest Control

May 12, 2015 13:06

A really silly (as in, so silly I'm just going to post it and run away for a bit) ficlet for one of this month's prompts.

Setting: A daft BtVS NeverNeverLand (probably the same one where my Wedding From Hellverse series is set. Definitely the same one where this also very silly ficlet is set. In short, Buffy and Spike are living together in married/cohabital bliss.
Rating: PG
For the prompt: Extreme ironing
Author's Note: Repassage is French for ironing, in case you didn't know. Or, if you're using the online Free Dictionary, it apparently means to pass something again. ;) Either way, it's something tedious that nobody wants to do.
250 words.

Pest Control

Buffy lowered her copy of the Sunnydale Herald, (headline: Barbecue fork accidents less common in daylight, says Sunnydale police chief) to give Spike a fond look.

"You know, honey, it's really weird seeing you holding an iron. I mean, I didn't think you knew how."

"Bloody right I know how," Spike said, scanning the room with narrowed eyes. "Lived through a century when you couldn't go anywhere if you didn't have a well-pressed shirt, didn't I?"

Suddenly, he threw himself down bodily behind the couch, bringing the iron crashing down on the floor. Steam hissed through the vents. There was the sound of tiny claws scuttling over parquet.

"Bugger! Missed again."

Buffy raised her newspaper. "They're trickier than they look, aren't they? Let me know if you need any help, huh?"

Spike paused in the act of tiptoeing around the couch, the steaming iron raised in one hand.

"I'm. Fine. Thanks," he bit out, though gritted teeth. Then, as a mouse-sized green spiny something shot out from under the couch and made a break for the door, he pounced.

There was an unearthly shriek and the smell of sizzling demon flesh.

"Gotcha, you evil little bastard."

As Spike clambered to his feet, Buffy lowered her newspaper again.

"Eww! There's squished mini-demon on the soleplate."

She grimaced. "I wish there was a less extreme way of dealing with infestations of Repassage demons. Ironing them to death one by one is... kinda time consuming? "

Spike nodded. "Not to mention messy."

creator: shapinglight

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