Pretty Little Liars

Jan 21, 2015 14:27

I've managed to write a ficlet for one of our prompts. Hoorah! Didn't think it was going to happen. It's not very good, but you know? Fic!

Setting: BtVS seasons5/6 hiatus
Rating: PG
For the prompt: Black nail polish.
300 words.

Pretty Little Liars

"So," Dawn says, face intent, hand steady with the little nail brush, "how come you stopped with the black nail polish, Spike? It's cool. Goes with your Big Bad image, right?"

He remembers saying something like that, one of the times she'd dropped by his crypt back before...

Before the Slayer made her fatal swan dive.

"Was crap at putting it on," he says, in a dismissive tone. "Dru used to do it for me. When she left me...well, just couldn't be bothered."

Dawn looks up at him, frowning her sister's frown.

"For real? Because that's not-"

Time to change the subject.

"Didn't figure you for a Goth, Niblet? You steal this colour for me special?"

She looks outraged. "Steal?" Then, like she might burst into tears. "How could you even say that to me?"

"Not bad. Your lying's getting better, kiddo, along with your shop-liftin' skills."

He tilts his head (even the kid's susceptible to the head-tilt, he's found) and grins at her.

"Just as well, yeah?"

She hesitates a fraction of a second, then grins back at him. "Hey thanks, Obi-Wan. Couldn't have done it without you."

She bends back to her task, a steady three stripes on each nail until all ten are black and glistening.

It's true, he thinks. The kid is better at lying.

You'd hardly know now (unless you already knew) that she's still grieving so hard the poor little bint can barely function.

She has a long way to go to catch up with him, though.

Deception? He's a past master.

Self-deception? Even better.

More fool him, he gave up painting his nails to please Dawn's big sis. To make himself fit for...

To make himself fit.

Not that the bitch - the beautiful, wonderful bitch!- ever noticed.

And now she never will.

creator: shapinglight

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