Title: Less Than Innocent, More than Like
Pairing: LaviYuu
Rated: PG for the moment...Just because Lavi's a bad boy >:]
Warnings: Well, it's yaoi...but you already knew that, surely. No spoilers, because this is all speculation about their past. Just don't take this like it's really their past, and you're good.
Disclaimer: Saya owns the play, but
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Comments 10
And wouldn't Lavi like to know what Kanda did to get his healing powers. XD
Hah, he'll flip when he finds out, surely.
Thank you for the lovely comment~
Ah, major akuma attack eh? Looks like the next chapter's going to exciting! :D
Indeed! It's be more exciting if someone who can write fight scenes was writing this though.....
Thanks for you comment~!
But then again, it was probably cause his "self proclaimed best friend" did like to tease him, and then there's all that stuff with Junior...
I think you're describing Yuu's character very well, and I really like where the story is headed.
Feel bad about the betrayal though, and I can't wait when Lavi finds out it was his fault for kanda's healing ability...but it was so sweet when he discovered what it was doing to him. Looks like he's caring alot more then he wants too :)
Another awesome entry, "How does she do it ?!?!"
Yay for break! Should I anticipate another update before the holidays end :3 ?
BTW, Happy Holidays! ^o^ Oh~ I want to draw something so bad for christ mas as well...really wanna see your picture too <3
Yay~! It's always a confidence-booster to hear that Saya is getting the characters right!
Well, betrayal isn't exactly supposed to make one feel war mand fuzzy, so that's pretty good. Lavi's going to have a fit when he finds out, really. Saya can hardly wait to write it <333
Thank you as always for the kind comment~~~! And Happy Holidays to you too~!
Lol, sorry. Trying to sort out my thoughts. Didn't mean for the post to be so long.
I was wondering if Yori's background would be explained more, or has that happened already? I remember reading little bits of his background in previous chapters... but will there be any more? Like about his father or anything? As I seem to recall, he wasn't a very good one. Hrm... perhaps a further explanation wouldn't be necessary.
No need to apologize! Saya lives off of long comments, honestly she does <333
Well, Saya originally didn't have any intention of making Yori's background very detailed, but she does have it very well planned out in her mind, so if further explanation is wanted, then it shall be given~!
Thank you for the comment~!
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