Title: Less Than Innocent, More than Like
Pairing: LaviYuu
Rated: PG for the moment...Just because Lavi's a bad boy >:]
Warnings: Well, it's yaoi...but you already knew that, surely. No spoilers, because this is all speculation about their past. Just don't take this like it's really their past, and you're good.
Disclaimer: Saya owns the play, but
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Comments 3
I can't wait to read the next chapter, finally the mystery of what happened between Yuu and Yori will be revealed!
Ahh, Lavi, that emotion there is alittle thing called jealousy~
Lavi must be so pissed seeing Yori comfortable with HIS yuu-chan<3
Too bad he's still in denial, I hope both of them realize theie feelings for each other soon. :D
Thanks for the fast update, and I hope the next one will come soon :3
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