Title: The Flower and Willow World
Pairing: LaviYuu, slight, one-sided TykiKanda
Rated: PG-M
Warnings: AU, so there's no spoilers. There's some smexing, but it's very nondescript. This is the kind of thing that E for everyone in the LK fandom...
Disclaimer: Saya owns the play, but not the actors. They belong to Hoshino.
Summary: In the Flower and
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Comments 13
OMG, that was so cute~
After reading it, I didn't know what to say...the only word that came to mind was " BEAUTIFUL" and a muttered " T^T...why must it end!?!"
I must be the luckiest person alive, the moment I went on Livejournal, a new entry appeared and I almost cried when it said "The Flower and Willow World 4/4" <3
I completely enjoyed the entire story, and I'm glad you like writing it, cause I loved reading it just as much.
As always, an amazing fic :3
Please continue to create more amazing masterpieces Saya-chan, I hope to read more adorable entries like this
~Love, Buu-tan
Saya's glad you liked this story so much, even with all of its little problems and imperfections~!
There shall definitely be more fanfics like this, hopefully their quality only gets better!
Thank you again~!
And I did wonder for a bit what Allen's role was here (I'd nearly forgotten that he hasn't appeared at all in the first 3 chapters XD), but yay, it's good that he helped Lavi and Kanda get together! :DDD And I'm guessing that with Allen as Tyki's 2nd youngest cousin, their youngest cousin is Rhode? XDDD
Anyway, loved this fic! :D I wish it were longer, but hey~ it's got a happy ending, so I'm happy. :D
Yup, originally when the whole mizuage idea was in Saya's head, Tyki was gonna take that and Allen was gonna be Kanda's danna (pft...that'd have been beautiful...) but now he gets to be the good guy <3
And yes, Tyki's youngest cousin is Rhode!
Thanks for reading~!
Huh? So Tyki was going to buy Kanda for Allen in your original plans? Well, that would have been fun to read too, I think, but ha ha, I'm almost glad it didn't happen because it'd mean one more rival for Lavi. XDDD
Originally, yep. Everyone wants Yuu but there's not enough to go around D:
They're finally together~~~It's so sweeeet.*giggles*
This story is just amazing. I loved reading this and was eagerly waiting for its updates. Even though it had to end, I must say that it was a wonderful ending for the two.^_________^
and it's good to share Kanda with Tyki...provided that Lavi gets the first dibs.XDDDD
Saya's glad you liked this story so much~! And that you liked the oh-so-fluffy-ending <3
And sharing is caring x3
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