Title: Less Than Innocent, More than Like
Pairing: LaviYuu
Rated: PG for the moment...Just because Lavi's a bad boy >:]
Warnings: Well, it's yaoi...but you already knew that, surely. No spoilers, because this is all speculation about their past. Just don't take this like it's really their past, and you're good.
Disclaimer: Saya owns the play, but
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Comments 12
Really can't wait for the next chapter!
And Lavi's gonna be an even bigger mess that moment he finds out, really. How could anyone not be, in that situation?
hopefully the next chapter will come soon~
Thnx for the nice update!
I've really missed reading this amazing fic!
Okay to start off,
"What is it?" The response was immediate, and left Lavi feeling more annoyed that before.->THAN instead of THAT
He turned on his heal and started to head back to the house-> heel, not heal.
:) Sorry, couldn't find anything else.
I really like Junior's character, it fits really well~
It's going to be so emotional when Kanda actually tells him about the lotus, so I can't wait for that chapter! Take as long as you want on it too, so it's really well written and thought out, like it usually is, of course <3
I've been so busy.....amazing writing as always, and I promise I'll do my best to be the first to comment for the next chapter.
Sorry for the crazy long post, lots to catch up on ^^;
Junior is fun, in his own special way. And it will be emotional, even Junior will feel like an ass in the end.
thank you~! your comments are always appreciated <333
Sad news though, the artist who took a crazy amount of time replying when I asked "Why is the art I asked for, like 3 months overdue???", they answered "I'm bored with it." So they gave back my gold, and now my promised present is gone!!!
I'm really sorry :(
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