Title: Less Than Innocent, More than Like
Pairing: LaviYuu
Rated: PG for the moment...Just because Lavi's a bad boy >:]
Warnings: Well, it's yaoi...but you already knew that, surely. No spoilers, because this is all speculation about their past. Just don't take this like it's really their past, and you're good.
Disclaimer: Saya owns the play, but
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Comments 9
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to continue the story. Your Lavi/Kanda interactions are one of my favorites, and I always enjoy the way you write about the boys. This chapter was simply preciousssssssss... oh Lavi, there is nothing more you can learn about getting yourself in trouble. BTW, Lavi's musings on how to pacify Kanda were priceless.
Lavi could just play dumb and act as though he’d misunderstood Kanda, or he could just say "Sorry, that’s classified," which would be equivalent to saying "Why yes, I am living a lie, but I can’t tell you that directly."
XD That would have sucked indeed.
Please continue to write moarz, moarz~! :)
At this point, Lavi could inhale and piss Kanda off. It's very adorable how much they love-hate each other. Glad you liked Lavi's musings, he thinks a lot more than his facial expressions let on.
there shall be moar soon~!
Hmmm... It seems like Kanda feels betrayed by Lavi on some level. He's probably already gotten somewhat used to Lavi's incessant pestering that he takes it for granted that it'd always be like that between them, but realizing Lavi's been faking everything kinda makes it difficult to swallow.
Anyway, I noticed a typo here:
"I doesn’t matter," Kanda said with a bit of a huff. I think you were going for 'It'. :D
thanks for commenting~!
PS. "pre tell" should be "pray tell".
I think you captured the tension between Kanda and Lavi during the "confession" scene pretty well. It must have seriously made Lavi exhaust all his options and work on his acting skills. randomly, I think Bookman might be pleased that Lavi deflected Kanda's question... of course, Bookman would still give Lavi a huge reprimand and probably several knocks to the head before considering that. ^^"
Kanda feels betrayed, somewhat. Although he'll probably not admit it. Ah, there has to be some reason why Kanda doesn't like being referred to as "my Yuu"! *wants to know* The dynamics between Kanda and Lavi are going to change! Looking forward to see how you continue this! ^.^
And yes, Kanda feels like he's just been slapped, and the overly-familiar way Lavi is calling him is not helping matters. There is a reason for his dislike of the phrase, which will be covered soon enough~!
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