Title: Less Than Innocent, More than Like
Pairing: LaviYuu
Rated: PG for the moment...Just because Lavi's a bad boy >:]
Warnings: Well, it's yaoi...but you already knew that, surely. No spoilers, because this is all speculation about their past. Just don't take this like it's really their past, and you're good.
Disclaimer: Saya owns the play, but
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Comments 6
Aww... Kanda and Lavi snuggling together on the train! That's such a cute image! =D
Yes, they are the cuteness when both are asleep....<3
That was very cute, though.
Too bad they don't sell samurai-shaped pillows at the store because I'd like one of those...perferably one that wouldn't try to hurt me.
Oh, Lavi, making Kanda jealous? Not the best way to win him over. Try a stuffed animal next time.
Who wouldn't want a samurai-shaped pillow? Saya would love to huggle it everyday.
Lavi's not looking to win him over jsut yet, at the moment he'll settle for annoying him.....>]
Lol, amusing though. Very cute! Yay for putting michael in too.
glad you liked it, regardless of Saya's bad french. <3
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