Title: Forever The Fool Kim Ryeowook (Part 2 To The End Of Bastard Cho Kyuhyun)
Pairing: Kyuwook (Ryeowook Centric), minor!Kyumin, minor!Yewook
Rating: R (Yes, it went up! Some mentions of sex)
Genre: Fluff, angst (yes!), not sure...
"You have a smile that betrays its purpose."
Inspired by
sthlikeit and the awesome supernova fic. This doesn't compare
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Comments 23
Hope your trip was okay.
Hope you liked this T.T
Sorry that it's late.
And emo...
I LOVED THIS, I umm I loved both of the parts, but somehow this one idk, just gah liked tiny bit more, maybe because it's Wook's pov(my forever bias) or because it explained more, idk but I definately LOVED THIS XD IT DIDN'T SUCK, serióusly like how can you say that =.= This was written so amazingly well, and I liked the you pov.
I started reading it and I couldn't stop...even to talk about chokyulate(which really is something). I liked the words too, but while reading some parts I WANTED TO KICK Kyuhyun =__= he really is a BASTARD. And sadly Wook's a fool.
Yeah..it was normal T.T rain, rain, rain, WIND, storm, no electer, no shower, Jaejoong T.T and Kame for 4 days...
GOOD LUCK, AMY hawaiting xD but you're smart anywaysssss, so I hope that Kyuwook will win.
Honestly, you wanna make me love Yesung so much? HUH?
You're always hoarding me for fanfics XD
Awwww...thank you for all the love you give me.
Ah. I tried to make it work. This one was a tad more difficult for me to write but meh. Ah it did explain more though. To have both sides was...needed.
Lol. Yeah. I just imagined writing this in you POV. It just happened like that.
Hohho. Chokyulate is really something. It will be. HE IS A BASTARD! :DDD I love that. ish. Its understandable if you want to kick him. Haha. I like Ryeowook the sentimental and sweet fool. I do. <33333
Awwwwww...I can imagine that jaejoong destroyed your trip.
Ahhhh....not smart. I hope it wins too <3
Haha. Hmmmm you love Yesung here? :D
I made him so nice here. Ghahahaha.
Im starting to like him a bit more now.
I respect him in Yewook now. Starting to.
Lol. Whats wrong with loving Yesung?
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Thank you unnie.
I want to give you a hug!!!
I loved the 2 parts.
And the end of both of them too. <33~
YeSung is so lovely, i loved how he cared of Wookie ^^
Good luck with your exams!
Haha. I wouldve thought much more angsty.
I know. Yesung made me sad here because
I was all like nooooooooo~ Sweetie. T.T
Thank you for reading!
Part 2 is easy to understand after I read the part 1.
I really like the story that unnie make..
Thanks unnie for sharing and always love unnie ^_^
Hwaiting for unnie exam..^_^
Im glad things make more sense now.
Haha. I dont want to study.
part i like the most was blanket...i dunno...it just made my heart jump a bit :)
and and...whoa for rivers....HEY AIMEE YOU HAVE A VERY BRIGHT FUTURE IN WRITING KYUWOOK SMUT!!!! hahahahahaha
im such a phail unnie...encouraging you so much
see u around!!! i hope i can update soon! :)
Yeah. I liked blanket too.
Yeah...rivers was a bit...I got angsty.
LOL. Noooo...I still can't do it. OMG.
No no, I've been trying recently.
I finished an Eunhae smut but now I want to redo it
because it sucks. Ugh.
Thank you as always.
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