Title: The End Of Bastard Cho Kyuhyun
Pairing: Kyuwook (Kyuhyun Centric), minor!Kyumin, minor!Yewook
Rating: PG 15 (Some mentions of sex)
Genre: Fluff, angst, not sure...
Inspired by
sthlikeit and her supernova fanfic with the prompt drabble oneshot. It's awesome and a hundred time's better than this. This is crap because I can't write angst. Ugh. So please go
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Comments 38
Hope you like it.
I'm tired.
Sorry for the lack of angst.
Sorry for changing some of the words.
This was angsty enough, my words were tooooo angsty anyways, so it's ok. But seriously I had this feeling that I wanted to smack Kyu for hurting Wook and I liked Yesung in this.
And I'm honored for the spot xD
Th end was happy? Right? Or something similar, I'm actually glad, angsty ending would've made me sad...:DDDD
You know the wrist part? OMG Wook is thin ENOUGH already and then I imagine him even thinner, that was scary.... and geometry...actually made me laugh and tie too. Rape and Ink were reallly angsty...
But I enjoyed reading this, this wasn't crap, this was really beautifully written, you should do this again, with more fluffy words maybe :DDDD
Haha. I might do this again. With a Ryeowook version. Should I?
Yeah. Ending is happyish in a like sad situation.
lol, well geometry is veeeeeeery angsty for me=_= and it wasn't bad at all indeed, it was OSM xDDDDD
Did I express myself enough? I was half-asleep while reading it, and I hope that I won't sound creepy, but I over read it xD
Yeahh..me loves, me wants second part(or Wookpov????) WHY????
And she helped me with this.
Thank you bb.
If you read this, hope you enjoy the crap. XD
Have you ever read a Kyuwook were Kyuhyun rapes Ryeowook? I think that's what it was...I'm hoping it was a kyuwook. Ima find the fic, and show you, cause this reminded me of that.
I'll just go find it xDD
Ahah. Wow. Thank you. That's a big compliment. :DDDD
Haha. No it's okay. Don't worry. I love you whether you read it or not <333333333
Yeah...ugh...we've talked about it already...
Spot for kyulyn if you decides to read this.
Ummmm as for what I owe you. There it is.
Hope it's not too small.
YS. WTF. I know. I don't see the 4 jib hairness.
How close was your guess?
Anyways, hope you enjoy the turd I wrote.
Ugh. I'm tired. rushed and need sleep.
Thank you.
And don't underrate yourself, this is really good. I love how bastard Kyu falls for Ryeo Wook the angel. And I love how Ryeo Wook loves Kyu with all the flaws he has. Their love isn't perfect in a normal way, but to me it's still perfect XD.
LOL. Sorry. It's my first thought. To freak out at my post and bash at myself. Yeah. Kyuhyun is a bastard and Ryeowook is an angel. Flaws that Kyuhyun has made, it was just I had to make it angsty and like the first 6 or 7 weren't helping me. LOL. Yeah, it's not perfect but it is. I love that. It's perfect because it's not.
Thanks for reading dear! yay!
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Thanks for reading!
I love it although I try to read fifth time to understand it and what unnie know,the story is perfect if I the one who read it...hehehehe ^_^
That bastard Kyuhyun love the sweety Wookie...
LOVELY...Waiting for another story....^_^
When unnie can update the....I forgot the title but the story about a game that Kyu,Henry,kangin and donghae play to get the top point...I will waiting for it...^_^
Thanks for sharing and love unnie...
That's so many. Haha. Yeah, I did make it kind of confusing. Ugh. Hehe.
Yes, bastard Kyuhyun loves the sweet Ryeowook.
Ah. I will try to soon. I've been very busy. I've got exams soon!!!!!!!! DDDDDDDDDD:
But I will try to update Kyuhyun's Little Game. Thanks for reading that one too.
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