To celebrate Arashi's 9th CD debut anniversary, I've translated and subtitled a short little clip from a few years ago for your viewing pleasure! Nino filmed a clip of Arashi in their dressing room for a show that he was on to promote his Ao no Honoo movie. Ohno is amazing in this clip, I am not kidding. XD
Sorry about the quality of the clip, by the way-- it was really shitty to begin with. :( You can find a couple more caps and download links behind the cut; feel free to spread the file around as long as you 1) don't upload to any streaming sites and 2) don't claim credit for yourself.
Enjoy the clip! Comments are love, as always. I'd love to hear any thoughts about it. ♥
Arashi - Jyouhoutsuu - 03/14/2003
Length: 1:40
Size: 51.9 mb
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