475: now, he’s taken to looking under his bed for other monsters (a hurt!Dean mix)

Aug 22, 2011 16:31

title. Make me down a pallet on your floor
author. ariadnes_string
characters. Dean/Castiel, Dean/Lisa
rating. R
words. 1700
summary. With the perversity of fever, even as he lay there next to Lisa, Dean dreamt of Castiel.
read this. A beautiful and beautifully atmospheric snapshot into Dean's life, and his bed, after season 5.

title. Vertigo
author. evitably
characters. Dean/Alastair
rating. PG-13
words. 1200
summary. Just because Dean does not remember hell does not mean it never existed, only that it's become a part of him.
read this. This is one of the prompts I was just waiting to be filled this round of blindfold_spn, and evitably's fic was everything I could have wanted. A chilling, very cool take on Dean/Alastair.

title. Run and Hide
author. honeylocusttree
characters. Sam, Dean, John
rating. PG-13
words. 7800+
summary. “Soldiers have to be tough, son.”
read this. Hard to read at times because of the subject matter, but incredibly engaging, this is an AU that tells the story of what would have happened if John had a psychotic break after the fire that killed Mary, and how that would have affected all of their lives. It deals with DID/MPD in a different way than you see in most fic/on most TV shows, and deals with it very thoughtfully. I love it so much.

title. Black Turn to Red
author. jaimeykay
characters. Sam, Dean, Alastair, Castiel
rating. R
words. 5,500
summary. Alastair told Dean that a part of him was left in the pit. Dean's thinking he may be right.
read this. I’m drawn to anything involving Dean’s relationship with Alastair like a moth to flame, and this is one of the most delightfully creepy pieces I’ve found. Mind-bending and mind-bendingly awesome.

title. Tulelake
author. kalliel
characters. Dean; peripheral Sam, John
rating. PG-13; possibly triggering material (see warnings)
words. 4000
summary. They're in Tulelake, California. John is hunting ghosts, and Sam and Dean are searching for security, when the neighbor lady begins to develop an unhealthy fixation on Dean. How do you escape the person who's supposed to be keeping you safe?
read this. Do read the warnings. The author handles the subject matter with care, but this is a disturbing fic. That’s not the only reason it stuck with me, though. The author writes extremely well from the POV of a child, (Dean) something that I think is difficult to do, and the result is quietly horrifying, and actually quite beautiful too.

title. The Curse or the Cure
author. nwhepcat
characters. Dean, Sam, Bobby, references to of Mary (and Eve)
rating. PG-13
words. 5400
summary. While Cas may have healed Dean from the Mother's bite, some aftereffects remain.
read this. Set Post "Mommy Dearest,” this is dreamy and mysterious and makes an episode I already liked even better for me.

title. Male. Late twenties. Severely injured. No ID in his wallet., The End of the Family Business, & Everything is gonna be alright
artist. petite_madame
characters. Dean, Sam
rating. G-PG
type. traditional/digital art
summary. Hospitalization. IV. Physically injured. Bandaging. Amputation. Permanent injury. Drainage tube.
see this. I’ve seen so much fantastic art that fits this theme lately, but this one stands out in my mind as it has a narrative. It really tells a story over three pieces of (absolutely gorgeous) art.

title. The Ghost in Bed With Them
author. rainylemons
characters. Dean/Lisa
rating. NC-17
words. 2791
summary. Plot be damned. Angst. Smut. The end.
read this. PWP with a soul, this is languid, achy and sexy.

title. The Full Pause
author. roque_clasique
characters. Dean/Lisa
rating. PG-13
words. 1476
summary. The first time Dean asked Lisa what she did for a living, it felt like the punchline to the best joke ever told. Yoga teacher.
read this. In which Lisa teaches Dean yogic breathing and everything is beautiful. <3 I like this not only because it’s wonderfully tender and hurty, but also because it deals with a topic most fic doesn’t - check it out to find out more.

title. Propane
author. spoons1899
characters. Sam, Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 3000
summary. Coda to 4.16 On the Head of a Pin. Dean is still weak and upset from his altercation with Alistair. Sam tries to help. Everybody angsts.
read this. This is one of my favourite codas to one of my favourite eps. Emotionally powerful with pitch-perfect season 4 characterizations.

title. The Fourth Time
author. st_salieri
characters. Dean, Sam
rating. PG-13
words. 2260
summary. The fourth time Dean woke up changed everything.
read this. In which season 6-era Dean accidentally overdoses. This completely avoids being over-the-top with the subject matter, and feels all too true to life. Sam's fear and anger and concern are like a living thing, and Dean makes my heart hurt.

title. the universe between our backs
author. vinylroad
characters. Dean/OFC, Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 1816
summary. It takes twelve stitches to close up the cut, deeper than it is long, like a blood red canyon running in between the freckles along his shoulder blade.
read this. This is a painfully raw and lovely little character study that tells the story I always wanted about Dean missing his scars after being brought back in season 4.

title. Straight on 'till Morning
author. wandersfound @ her_own_write
characters. Dean/Castiel, (pre-slash) Sam, John, Alastair
rating. PG-13
words. 4500
summary. When Dean was younger, he had an imaginary friend. But everybody has to grow up sometime, and Dean’s too old to believe in angels.
read this. Written for dc_everafter and based on Peter Pan, this manages to strike a balance between the marvellous and strange world of fairy tales and the show itself. Which is totally a winning combination.

title. the mandroid way he moved
author. wave_obscura
characters. Dean, Sam
rating. PG-13
words. 2987
summary. The Impala is stolen during a snowstorm. Hurt!Pained!Dean.
read this. The writing here is vibrant, and lends a fun, adventurous vibe to a frightening situation. This is an older fave of mine.

reccer's note. I was asked to put together a selection of recs featuring Dean and his manpain for today, so that’s what this is.

I also mod/rec over at hoodie_time (my recs can be found under this tag at the comm, or you can view all recs at our delicious rec account, for advanced searching) which is a comm dedicated entirely to Dean-centric h/c, but it was really difficult to decide what to rec in a single post like this. So, this is a pretty random blend - there’s new faves, there's older stuff, and a lot of focus on some of my favourite things - fics that combine both elements of h/c and horror, post-hell!fic, sick!Dean, Dean/Alastair, and Dean/Lisa, in particular. ♥

-- author: a, -- author: v, -- author: k, -- author: s, character: bobby singer, theme: starring dean, character: castiel, # wincest, art: paintings, pairing: dean/alastair, -- author: w, ~ fan art, character: alastair, ~ fan fiction, theme: all hurt/no comfort, # slash, # pre-slash, -- artist: p, # gen, character: john winchester, -- author: n, pairing: sam/dean, !reccer: guest, theme: hurt!dean, pairing: dean/castiel, -- author: e, # het, -- author: j, art: drawings, character: dean winchester, pairing: dean/ofc, character: sam winchester, -- author: r, -- author: h, character: lisa braeden, pairing: dean/lisa, theme: hurt/comfort

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