471: SPN Spring Fling [Sam/Dean]

Jun 18, 2011 23:28

title. Take Two Seconds to Breathe
author. killabeez
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 2500
summary. Sam and Dean take a forced vacation.
read this. Heart-pinging illustration of how Sam and Dean have always been about each other and always will be. Warm and tender mix of languid descriptions, sexual tension and life long affection.

title. Don't mind where I get taken
author. latentfunction
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 1923
summary. He wanted air conditioning, he wanted a bed beneath his body, he wanted to drink water that wasn't poured warm out of a plastic jug he'd been carrying for hours, and he wanted it all now.
read this. Beautiful sensual imagery that leaves a feeling of warmth and satisfaction from this slice of life fic.

title. The Distance Between Us
author. wednesday-d
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 2500
summary. It doesn’t matter who they are, where they are, what they are; somehow they always find their way to one another; even if that means having to create the other.
read this. Raw and poignant. Full of angst that made me whimper, but with a note of hope that seems so right for the Sam and Dean dynamic.

title. Lonely Winter
author. setissma
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG
words. 700
summary. A coda for the finale.
read this. Slice of life fic full of beautiful insights into Dean's head-space, filled with lovely images and a quiet sense of peace after the storm of season six.

title. So Do Our Minutes
author. sangre_fria
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. NC-17
words. 1241
summary. Sam had done far worse things than loving Dean too much. Dean had always found a way to forgive him.
read this. Wonderful look inside Sam's head at the end of season five, full of pining, sexual tension, angst and letting go.

title. Other Worlds Than These
author. neros_violin
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 2100
summary. The newspapers say it’s the hottest summer in the last fifty years, and Sam believes them.
read this. Gorgeous emotive and full of atmosphere, this encapsulated look into the AU verse of episode 6.19is a beautiful view from Sam's eyes that is rich with affection, joy and amusement.

title. Oh Glory
author. orbiting_saturn
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 1423
summary. Sam has had four years to examine his motives, but he doesn't really understand them fully until he has Dean pressed beneath his body, hips grinding him into the hardwood floor of his dusty living room.
read this. A dark and creepy serial killer AU that parallels the pilot episode in a way that is both chilling and believable.

title. all my days have been the losing kind
author. maco2111
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 561
summary. Moonlight shatters through the blinds of the motel room’s only window, casting dark shadows into the hollows of Dean’s face.
read this. Beautiful phrases and a believable Sam voice make up a heartbreaking character study of Sam right before Dean's deal.

title. Dean 3:16
author. fromcainwthlove
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 1278
summary. He didn't want to waste their time fighting.
read this. Sexual tension and desperation wrapped up in angst topped with a spot-on Sam voice.

title. hint of a spark
author. nilyn
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. NC-17
words. 2159
summary. The sky is growing dark with promised storms, black clouds rolling in slow and relentless from the west. Night is hours away still.
read this. Coiled with sexual tension that culminates in scorching passionate sex all wound up in scintillating atmosphere.

title. Pacing the Cage
author. ebcdic
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 673
summary. Dean never thought he'd live past thirty, much less to be sixty-seven.
read this. Heartbreaking glimpse at one of Dean's possible futures, rich with detail and strong Dean voice.

title. day springs eternal
author. electricalgwen
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 1376
summary. Tuesday after Tuesday, Dean keeps dying, and Sam keeps doing something stupid. The odds are against him, but Sam can't stop himself from hoping.
read this. A punch to the heart as the reader is drawn into Sam's unstable mentality and a desperate love for his brother.

reccer's note. there were some lovely short fics written for this challenge and this list represents just a handful of my favorites for this pairing. I encourage you to check out the community. spnspringfling

-- author: w, -- author: f, ~ fan fiction, # slash, -- author: k, -- author: l, -- author: s, -- author: n, pairing: sam/dean, theme: season six codas, -- author: e, character: dean winchester, -- author: m, theme: fic challenge a/o fest, character: sam winchester, # wincest, !reccer: locknkey, -- author: o

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