FIC: The Space Between (Kirk/McCoy, Teen)

May 27, 2013 14:42

Title: The Space Between
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: Teen
Word count: 5,670
Thanks: To cordelianne, as always.
Warnings/Notes: SPOILERS FOR STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS. (In fact, the fic probably makes little sense if you aren't familiar with the scenes of the movie.) Basically, I have no complaints about the amount of Bones in the movie, but that doesn't mean I ( Read more... )

kirk-mccoy fic

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Comments 21

joirerson May 28 2013, 16:12:04 UTC
Oh, this was so good!!!!


savoytruffle June 10 2013, 23:51:42 UTC
Thanks so much!


sickbay23 May 28 2013, 18:56:48 UTC
You did such a great shop, the Story is so amazing. :)


savoytruffle June 10 2013, 23:52:01 UTC
Thank you!


alaria May 28 2013, 20:21:29 UTC
This is lovely!! I like how everything is not just good with Jim and Bones, but still right somehow. And I like your explaination for Bones abscence from Kirk's side during the decontamination process.


savoytruffle June 10 2013, 23:54:09 UTC
Thanks. I wanted to balance a recognition on Bones' part of Jim's need for growth with the supportive role of a partner. And, yeah, I really wish Bones had been able to be there in the movie, even though I really loved the moment between Kirk and Spock.

So glad it worked for you!


january_snow May 29 2013, 14:50:46 UTC
i cannot express quite how much i love this fic!

as always, brilliantly written and great characterisations And with my favourite POV, McCoy's. but more importantly, it is the first Jim/Bones i have seen which is taking the whole film into account and not just focusing on the moment with the body bag and/or its aftermath.

in addition to that, you fix some of the leaps of logic the writers left and you fill those gaps so beautifully.

you also made me realise one thing (i am slow, yes): so it was ok that Jim saved earth, but they would have left Nibiru to perish??! the difference being that it would have been extinguished by a natural disaster rather than a madman. one has to wonder.

anyway, great to see you write in the xii verse as well!


savoytruffle June 11 2013, 00:02:33 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so pleased that it all worked for you.

I really wanted to balance the fact that I think they did the right thing on Nibiru with the fact that Jim wasn't handling things maturely and had some growing to do. I was also very intrigued when Pike revealed that they weren't supposed to have interfered on Nibiru at all (not just that they weren't supposed to be seen), given that Spock was very involved in the Nibiru mission. So I wanted to explore the idea that they all decided on that mission together.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Thanks for reading and for your lovely comment!


vaylaa June 3 2013, 19:18:11 UTC
I was trying to imagine these missing scenes and kinda failing. Thank you, this is just perfect. This is exactly what happened and no one can convince me otherwise now.


savoytruffle June 11 2013, 00:06:46 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm very pleased it worked for you!


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